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Kiko :: ?

“I was a child when war broke out. I'm still a child. That's what they did to me."

KIKO J.jpg


|| Physical d8 || Mental d8 || Social d8 ||

Trained Skills

Fight [d10]

Fix [d6]

Move [d8]

Notice [d10]

Operate [d10]

Sneak [d8]

Survive: [d8]

Trick [d10]

Untrained Skills

Craft, Drive, Fly, Focus, Influence, Labor, Perform, Shoot, Treat [All d4]


Triad Scion: [d8] A high ranking Triad boss saw something in you when you were just a kid and took you in.

  • Step Back: Roll d4 instead of d8 for 1 PP
  • Bastard Born: You're tougher than you look. The first time in a scene that you spend a PP to avoid being Taken Out from a physical blow, step back the resulting Complication.
  • Duìzhǎng: Whether earned or given, you hold the rank of Captain in the Triads, When pressuring criminal elements of lesser rank, step up or double Influence. Both 1s and 2s count as jinxes.

[Highlighted Skills: Fight/Influence/Trick]

Ghost in the Machine: [d8] Someone’s after you — Alliance, Triads, Guilds, maybe all three - but the chase is your game, and the 'Verse is your playground.

  • Step Back: Roll d4 instead of d8 for 1 PP
  • Eyes in Back: You are always assessing your surroundings, making plans and contingencies. When you need to get into or out of a situation quick or quiet, spend 1 PP to roll your Notice die and add it to your total on any Move or Sneak roll.
  • Shell Game: You have mastered the art of misdirection. When trying to mislead those following you, step up or double Trick for the action. Both 1s and 2s count as jinxes.

[Highlighted Skills: Move/Notice/Sneak]

Touched by the Black [d8] "01110000 01101001 01110011 01110011, dong ma?" Yeah, you're not quite right.

  • Step Back: Roll d4 instead of d8 for 1 PP
  • That Makes No Sense: Not everyone understands how the 'Verse twists and turns. When you raise the stakes with an extraordinary success, you may choose to give your opponent a Complication equal to your highest rolling die instead of gaining a Big Damn Hero Die.
  • Didn't See That Coming:You are apt to do the unexpected at the drop of a hat. Spend 1 PP to substitute Trick for another Skill when you take a risky Action. Both 1s and 2s count as jinxes.

[Highlighted Skills: Fly/Survive/Trick]

Signature Assets

Bulkhead Shiv [d8] This nasty jagged sliver of ruptured bulkhead is wrapped in heavy tape at the thick end for grip and has been lovingly ground to a fine edge and a wicked point. It is all you have left of your childhood home.

Bull Jack [d8] The apex of black market tech, this powerful handheld programmer's console can hardlink to nearly any make or configuration of terminal.

Chassis Stabilizers [d6] Your chassis compensates for external irregularities, allowing you to keep your footing in even the most chaotic conditions.

Incidental Assets

Official Ident Card [ d- ] Because of her apparent status as a minor, Kiko keeps her official card with her actual legal age memory stamped on the chip.

IT B&E [ d- ] Sometimes programming is just programming. And sometimes you need to be able take the top off a terminal and get under the hood. Kiko keeps a pouch of small simple tools handy for removing hard covers and casings to get into the guts of a machine.

Scene/Episode Assets

Episode Points [0]

Character Bio

Birthplace: Raven's Eye Station; in orbit around Highgate in the Blue Sun system || Allegiance: Independent

Height: 152 centimeters (5' 0") || Weight: 43 kilos (95 lbs) || Age: 28 standard years (Apparent Age: 15 standard years)

I was just a child when the war broke out. On the surface, I still am. That is what they did to me.

The station I grew up on was razed from the black. By all accounts, no one survived. But I survived. And I suspect others did too, though I have never met one. Never met another whose skin was replaced by shaped plates of synthetic polymer, whose bones were invasively reinforced with the same stuff.

I don't know if I've even assessed all they did to me.

I may never know. I was 'programmed' to a certain extent. I could do things I'd never been able to before. But whatever use I was meant to be put to, I was never put to it. I was abandoned dirtside on a little rock in the white system.

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