D&D 5E: Adventurer Inc - Character 3
Mayia :: Sorceress
A tall, lithe woman in silver and gold robes. Long silver hair hangs to her waist in a tight braid. Her eyes are silver too, with an Elvish cast to them. Her skin is bronzed olive, except where silvery scales cast a metallic sheen.
- || STR 8 (-1) || DEX 16 (+3) || CON 14 (+2) || INT 10 (+0) || WIS 12 (+1) || CHA 18 (+4) ||
- || Proficiency Bonus +3 || Saves: Con [+5] Cha [+7] || HD [5d6] HP [37] || Initiative [+3]
½ Elf
- Darkvision 60'
- Fey Ancestry
- Skill Versatility (Investigation, Perception)
Sorcerer [L5]
- Sorcerous Origin (Draconic Bloodline)
- Dragon Ancestor|Silver Dragon
- Draconic Resilience
- Font of Magic (5 Sorcery Points)
- Metamagic (Distant Spell, Twinned Spell)
Magic Stats
- || Spell Slots [4/L1] [3/L2] [2/L3] || Spell Attack Modifier: +7 || Spell Save DC: 15 ||
- Blade Ward
- Frostbite
- Light
- Ray of Frost
- True Strike
Known Spells 1st Level
- Chromatic Orb (Cold Default)
- Ice Knife
- Shield
2nd Level
- Blur
- Snilloc's Snowball Swarm
3rd Level
- Haste
Armor/Weapon Stats
- Armour Class 16 / Touch AC 16 / Flatfooted AC 13
- Arcana +3
- History +3
- Investigation +3
- Insight +4
- Perception +4 (Passive 14)
- Persuasion +7
Proficiencies Weapons: Daggers, Darts, Slings, Quarterstaves, Light Crossbows
Armor: Natural
Tools: None Languages
- Elvish
- Common
- Giantish
- Primordial
- Sylvan
- Draconic
- Researcher
- Skills (Arcana, History)
Mayia grew up in her human mother's city, a place known for Universities and Libraries, and followed that worthy into the life of a researcher. While searching bloodlines one day, she learned that her mother had a rather well-known one - descent from a great Silver Dragon. The power had skipped her mother, but when she learned of it, she felt the power come to her like a wave of cold. As her mother could not train her, she sought out her Elven father's people, and there found a teacher in another halfling, who taught her the control she needed, then sent her on her way with an Elven staff of Oak and Ash and Thorn, grown to her hand and height.
GP: 50
Magic Items
- Arcane Focus (Quarterstaff - Oak and Ash and Thorn)
- Backpack
- Bedroll
- Blanket
- Clothes, Fine (Robes, Satin and Silk)
- Clothes, Common (Robes, Cotton and Wool)
- Component Pouch
- Rope, Silken, 100'
- Waterskin
- 1 week's Rations