Edwin O'Malley
Character Name[edit]
Edwin O'Malley
Short description:[edit]
O'Malley is the town's main milk delivery driver. He certainly does not spend his off-hours running illegal whiskey down from the Canadian border to the thirsty throats of Boston. He is most certainly not connected with any organized criminal groups that may also participate in such activities. He definitely does not work for Joe Kennedy.
Occupation: Criminal Colleges, Degrees: None Birthplace: Boston, Mass. Mental Disorders: None (yet) Sex: m Age: 30 Family & Friends: Acquainted with most of the town's population due to day job. Familiar with various criminal elements. Wounds & Injuries: None (yet) Marks & Scars: Scars on left hand - a milk jug broke during a delivery. They definitely aren't knife scars.
STR 10 CON 12 POW 12 DEX 10 APP 9 SIZ 9 INT 10 EDU 21 HP: 11 Damage bonus +0 Idea: 50 Know: 105 (!) Luck: 60 SAN: 60
Accounting 10% Anthropology 01% Archaeology 01% Astronomy 01% Bargain* 65% Biology 01% Chemistry 01% Climb 40% Conceal 55% Credit Rating 15% Cthulhu Mythos 00% Disguise* 01% Drive Auto* 80% Electrical Repair 10% Fast Talk* 75% First Aid 30% Geology 01% Hide 10% History 20% Jump 25% Law 05% Library Use 25% Listen 25% Locksmith* 61% Mechanical Repair 40% Medicine 05% Natural History 10% Navigate 50% Occult 05% Operate Hvy. Machine 01% Own Language (English) 105% Persuade 15% Pharmacy 01% Photography 10% Physics 01% Pilot 01% Psychoanalysis 01% Psychology 01% Ride 05% Sneak* 70% Spot Hidden* 85% Swim 25% Throw 25% Track 10% Combat Fist/Punch 50% Head Butt 10% Kick 25% Grapple 25% Dodge 20% Handgun*80% Machine Gun 15% Rifle 25% Shotgun 30% Melee Weapon 25%
- Colt 1911a1 (.45 Automatic) (Attack skill = 80%; Damage 1d10+2; Range 15 yds; Attacks per round = 1; Magazine = 7; Cost = $40)
- German P08 Luger (Attack skill = 80%; Damage 1d10; Range 20 yds; Attacks per round = 2; Magazine = 8; Cost = $75)
- 12-gauge double-barrel shotgun (Attack skill = 30%; Damage 4d6/2d5/1d6; Range 10/20/50 yds; Attacks per round = 1 or 2; Magazine = 2; Cost = $40)
- Switchblade (Attack skill = 25%; Damage 1d4; Cost = $2)
- Blackjack (Attack skill = 40%; Damage 1d8; Cost $2)
Weapons total cost = $159
- Tailored Silk Suit ($75.00)
- Dairy Man's Uniform ($9.95)
- Various other clothing and shoes ($150)
Clothing total = $234.95
- Mechanic's Tool Outfit ($12.90)
- Rope (50ft) ($8.60)
- Crowbar ($2.25)
- Handsaw ($2.80)
- Gasoline blowtorch ($4.45)
- Various other mechanic's tools ($100)
- House (with garage) Rental ($1,250)
- Dairy Truck (Ford Model T) ($385)
- Souped-up Packard Single Six ($3,000)
Miscellaneous Total = $4,766
Background and Notes[edit]
- Yearly Income = $4,500
- Cash on hand = $2,250
- Convertible assets (30 days) = $2,250
- Other assets total = $18,000 (Weapons $159; Clothing $234.95; Miscellaneous $4,766)