George Tianlung

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George Tianlung

Refresh: 3

Current Fate Points: 3



High Concept: Slytherin 6th Year - The Reformer

Trouble: No Patience For Idiotst

Aspect Three: A Will That Never Breaks

Aspect Four: Smartest Guy In The Room

Aspect Five: Gardener of Talent


Good (+3) Clever

Fair (+2) Careful & Forceful

Average (+1) Sneaky & Flashy

Mediocre (+0) Quick


Physical O O O

Mental O O O


Mild [2]: _________________________

Moderate [4]: _____________________

Severe [6]: _______________________



11 1/4 inches. Cinnamon wood. Chinese dragon scale core. Rigid but whippy.

Stunt: Right back at ya. For many aspiring duelist this is a very average wand offensively speaking but that is a very short-sighted view as it is in its defensive abailities where this instrument stands alone. This wand has not only the ability to block unfriendly magic, but redirect it as well. Once per conflict on a successful Defend roll I may send a spell rebounding back towards my opponent. This does not count against my turn during that round and I may still Attack, Overcome or Create Advantage as I choose.


Your Best You Because I am a Gardener of Talent, I get a +2 when I Cleverly Create An Advantage by telling someone else how to do a task.

You Don't Define Me Because I have a Will That Never Breaks, I get +2 when I Forcefull Defend against attempts to shame, belittle, insult or degrade me.

We Are Better Than This Because I am The Reformer, I get +2 to Overcome Social Obstacles when I persuade Slytherin to try to be nice to people for a change.