Arcadian Academy

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Revision as of 17:09, 16 December 2018 by Max (talk | contribs) (Stefan Skarsgård, "Healbot" (played by Max))
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A PbP game of Mutants & Masterminds 3e, run by JohnStarGazer.


Recruitment thread

IC thread

OOC thread

Main Cast

Our ragtag band of teenage protagonists!

Name, "Alias" (player)

This is a "blank" template; copy it and put in your own stuff.

This right here is where to put a prose verbal description of the character's looks, manner and background. Or verse, if you want, why not!

I'm sure you don't need to be told to replace all this, I'm just typing text here for some filler to see how this looks. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet and so on, you know.

Abilities (??pp)
Strength 0, Stamina 0, Agility 0, Dexterity 0, Fighting 0, Intellect 0, Awareness 0, Presence 0
Skills (??pp)
Skill 1, Skill 2, etc.
Advantages (??pp)
Advantage 1, Advantage 2, etc.
Powers (??pp)
Power 1
Power 2
Defense & Initiative (??pp)
Initiative 0
Dodge 0, Fortitude 0, Parry 0, Toughness 0, Will 0
Attack 1
Attack 2

Stefan Skarsgård, "Healbot" (played by Max)

(It's pronounced "scars-gored", more or less.)

A Swedish exchange student who was trapped in a burning building during the Silver Storm and subsequently fused with an experimental first responder robot sent to rescue him. The technological half of him being technically property of the US government caused overwhelming complications in trying to bring him back home after the incident, and eventually his family just moved to the States and enrolled him in the Arcadian in the hopes of helping him cope with his transformation.

Stefan's body is now a stable yet highly flexible colony of techno-organic nanomachines, most of the time resembling a stockier, heavier and somewhat abstracted sculpture of his former self in what looks like dull grey metal, although his proportions and features can shift significantly according to his moods and needs. There's no real point in trying to mask his identity, so instead of a costume he just wears regular street clothes - jeans, sneakers and T-shirts - but on missions he does like to don a sleeveless white hoodie with a big cross outlined in red on the back; it just feels more legit, somehow, and makes him feel more like part of a real team.

Cheerfully stoic and calm by nature, he's actually taking quite well to his new existence, his main internal source of stress being just a nagging desire to belong, born of feeling like a freak among strangers in a foreign land ('cos, well, he is). While no life of the party, as such, he's always pleasant to be around, mostly a bit of a goof, quick to make friends and loyal to an extreme.

Enemy (Edward Aardman, a rogue scientist who originally designed the nanite technology and wants it back)
Motivation (acceptance, responsibility)
Abilities (50pp)
Strength 8, Stamina 10, Agility 0, Dexterity 0, Fighting 0, Intellect 2, Awareness 3, Presence 2
Skills (15pp)
Close Combat 8 (+8), Insight 3 (+6), Perception 3 (+6), Persuasion 4 (+6), Technology 4 (+6), Treatment 8 (+10)
Advantages (5pp)
Improved Grab, Improved Hold, Interpose, Languages (Swedish), Teamwork
Powers (35pp)
Malleable - Elongation 1, Feature (mutable features), Movement 1 (wall-crawling), Speed 1 (60ft) = 4pp
Medical nanites - Regeneration 10 (persistent; alternate effect) = 21pp
  • alternate: Healing 18 (limited to others; persistent, stabilize)
Resilient - Immortality 5 (limited: extreme cold), Immunity 5 (aging, disease, poison, suffocation) = 10pp
Defense & Initiative (15pp)
Initiative 0
Dodge 6 (+6), Fortitude 0 (+10), Parry 6 (+6), Toughness 0 (+10), Will 3 (+6)
Unarmed +8 (close, damage 8)
Grab +8 (close, strength 13)

Supporting Cast

AKA major NPCs.




Other stuff!

The Story So Far

A short form summary of what's hit the fan before. Like fourth-wall-breaking lecture notes!