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NOTE: you don't have to create an account, but if you don't your IP will be visible as a contributor.

Player Characters[edit]

Name Class/Race Player Character Sheet
Zephon Aasimar Bard (Lore College) Mike Link
Felicity Polypus Wizard Adrian
Meepo Kobold Monk (Drunken Master) Alex
Harrison Belmont Ex-professor Ramon
Lady Kara Serpenthelm Runaway bride? Aleksandra
Roghnóir Avery Non-magical combat Peter
Clavrus Yuan ti bard Alexander
Nampi Beerknuckles Halfling Monk (Drunken Master) Dan

Currently Available Missions and Rumours[edit]

Mission: The land north of Stromsburg needs to be farmed for us to survive, unfortunately a colony of unusually aggressive giant weasels seem to have moved in. Drive the beasts out of their warrens and into their graves! REWARD: 800gp to any group so bold enough to succeed!

Mission: A new goblin raid leader nick named Four Leaf has been leading a recent rash of raids against Stromsburg. Him and his gang are hidden somewhere in the Termite Woods, hunt down this devilish cretin and put an end to him!

Mission: Potions of water breathing are needed desperately to wage war against the vicious lizard folk. Addleworst Gallipot has been charged with the creation of these potions but requires an armed escort to collect various reagents beyond the safety of Stromsburg. 800gp to the vigilant group of adventurers who can escort him on his task and return him to Stromsburg alive.

Mission: A delegation of dignity and tact are needed to deliver a gift and well wishes to King Treeacle of the Fey Orchard. What is needed is a commitment from him to remain neutral in our conflict with the goblins and the lizard people. The royal gift will be provided to the delegation by the magistrate of Stromsburg. REWARD: 800gp to any group so cunning as to succeed.

Mission: The unsinkable vessel HMS Endeavor has been dashed against the rocks south of Stromsburg. The vessel was loaded with urgently needed supplies and weapons. The Magistrate will pay for any salvage that can be obtained from the wreckage. Haste is needed before the Goblins or Lizard Folk beat us to it!

Rumor: "...So's I hears them talking 'bout some kinda map what's they've found on Cap' Green Beard's boat. Thems skallywags be spittin' such words as it's some kind of map's got treasure on the other end! I knows these blokes be in the un-honerable inclinations so's I knows without no doubts they be planning on keeping these treasures all on they'selves without a sharin' what wit the crew and all. So's I says to meself some man'o'principles best teach them an error on their ways and I takes that map from thems. So's I do it, only they catch me up in a ditch just east o' here. I gives them such a fightin' but they takes the map from me and leaves me, they's own true shipmate, fer dead!..."

Rumor: "The magistrate's daughter was abducted by giant spiders just a stone's throw from town. What a horrible way to go... I wonder if there's a chance she's still alive..."

Rumor: "...arrogant Pelorites built that Monastery south east out of town with barely a wall. Said something about their faith protecting them. Well they paid the price for that, now their holy place is a nest for evil! What a shameful disgrace!"

Rumor: "...Lost! In the Termite Woods I was! In desperation I closed my eyes and prayed for a sign. When I opened my eyes I saw a perfectly snow white rabbit staring at me from the grass. Thinking my prayers were answered I followed the creature until eventually it took me to a deep hole in the ground. I looked down that hole and I saw a twisting vision of riches of every variety! I was thrilled until I had a sort of chill come over me. A kind of fairy feelin' if you know what I mean. I knew then that I had to get away just as quick as I could! I ran hard for days until finally I made it back to Stromsburg. I can't help the feeling that I only got away by the skin of my teeth."

Intro text[edit]

Hello everyone and welcome to my upcoming Westmarches style D&D game. I invite you to start playing in January. This style of D&D is different because there is a large pool of players rather than one regular group. This should make scheduling a lot less painful.


The way scheduling will work is that using this mailing group players will organize themselves into a group of about 4-5 and propose an adventure they would like to go on. For instance they could ask, "Hey, who wants to explore the sunken fort this Friday?" If there are enough people available then you would form a group and off to the fort we'd go. The intention would be to complete the adventure in a single sitting.


This campaign takes place in the wild and unexplored frontier of The Eastmarches where danger and treasure are two sides of the same face eating monster. The sole bulwark of civilization there is fledgling Fort Stromsburg which is abutted by The Blood Highlands to the North and The Termite Woods to the East. From there you will set out for adventure, but be warned, The Eastmarches have repelled colonizing forces before and seems bent on doing so again! HMS Endeavor has been wrecked upon the treacherous coast, goblins and lizardfolk assail the fort's palisades, and supplies dwindle with every passing day.


We will be using this email group to coordinate and schedule the game. It's important that we use this email group to keep the game interesting and inclusive.

After every session there will be bonus experience points for the group if someone from the session writes a satisfying after action report and emails it to the group.

There will be no map or compiling of information done by me. It is up to the players to pool their knowledge and build a sense of the land.


It's possible some games might take place in person but I anticipate most will happen online. We will be using the Roll20 platform, so please make a free account.

Once you have an account please follow this link to join the game. I will then be able to give you a digital character sheet. https://app.roll20.net/join/3993166/TIqmnA

Character Creation[edit]

Please feel free to create your character at any time. When you finish please send an introduction of your character to the group email. Consider describing them as they first arrive at the boisterous bar of The Grim Totem Inn and perhaps mention why they have come to the godforsaken Eastmarches. - Characters start at lvl 3 - Gain 1 bonus feat, on the house! - Please use the features from any of the official books when creating your character. (no flying races tho) - For your starting equipment, ignore the starting equipment in your class section and instead use the following chart to determine how much money you have to buy equipment:

Starting Class Starting Wealth
Barbarian 150gp
Bard 375gp
Cleric 375gp
Druid 150gp
Fighter 375gp
Monk 38gp
Paladin 375gp
Ranger 375gp
Rogue 300gp
Sorcerer 225gp
Warlock 300gp
Wizard 300gp

More Info[edit]

Here is some optional information about Westmarches style D&D games: http://arsludi.lamemage.com/index.php/78/grand-experiments-west-marches/