Brahnamins Characters - Trick

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Personal Details

Name Michael Kilpatrick
Rank Junior Lieutenant
Colony Libris
Age 26
Callsign Trick


High Concept Reckless to a Fault
Decompression Zen and the Art of Throwing Things
Other Born Under a Dark Star


Great [+4] Pilot
Good [+3] Tactics, Provoke
Fair [+2] Gunnery, Notice, Rapport
Average [+1] Tech, Sneak, Fight, Shoot

Personal Stunts

Name Effect
I'm Not Touching You As a full-phase action when on the tail of a flight of at least 2 ships or when a flight of at least two ships is on your tail, use Pilot to attack instead of Gunnery. This attack uses the Weapons rating of one of the other ships.
The Devil's Details You gain +2 to attempts to create an advantage using Notice.

Gear Stunts

Name Effect
Sample Sample

Other Statistics

Stress Track: ○○○○○


  • Mild [2]:
  • Moderate[4]:
  • Severe[6]:

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