Epona the Exile
Epona the Exile
IQ 14
ME 14
MA 17 (45% Trust/Intimidate)
PS 31/41 (+16/+26 Damage)
PP 20 +3 S/P/D
PE 21 +3 vs Magic/Poison, +12% Coma/Death
PB 13
Spd 220
HP 45
SDC 80
PPE 11
Horror Factor 12
Alignment: Scrupulous
Ixion: Bionics/Cyborg and Stats and Gear and Skills as noted
OCC: Gunfighter Weapon Master, Weapon Repairs, Quick-Draw Init (+1 2 PP above 16), Paired Weapons (Revolver and Pistol), WP Sharpthoosting Specialty (Energy Pistol, +1 Attack), Reputation, Horror Factor
Init +8 Attacks 6 +1 with Guns +1 with energy pistols Strike +4 +1 Kick Parry +6 Dodge +5 +3 Running Roll +7 Damage * Punch: 1d4+16, Kick 3d6+26 Restrained, 1d4+1d6 MD rear Kick, 3d4+1d6 Power Kick Disarm +4 Horror Save +4
Skills: Dowsing 40 Land Navigation 51 Ixion 98, Literacy 95 Wilderness Survival 45 WP Polearm (+2 Strike/+1 Parry) (Field) Armorer American 95 Spanish 95 Detect Ambush 45 Detect Concealment 35 Find Contraband 37 Recognize Weapon Quality 35 Basic Electronics 40 Armorer +20 WP Sniper WP Revolver WP Energy Pistol (+1 Strike) WP Energy Rifle WP Quick Draw WP Heavy Military Weapons WP Heavy MD Weapons Jet Pack 52 Horsemanship (General) HTH Martial Arts
(Basic Mechanics 40, from Field Armorer) Mechanical Engineer 35 Bioware Mechanics 40 Gymnastics Basic Math 45 Boxing
Gear Ixion Energy Rod (2d6 MD melee, 3d6 MD ranged, 10 shots) Ixion Bionic Barding Tinted Goggles MD Cowboy Hat Work Clothes Fancy Town Clothes Flashlight Binoculars Laser Distancer Pocket Language Translator Pocket Magnifying Glass Multi-Optics Band Portable Tool Kit Cigarette Lighter Pocket Mirror Silver Cross on chain Hand-sized wooden cross 4 pair handcuffs 6' MD chain w MD lock 100' lightweight rope Survival kukri Utility belt knapsack Saddlebags Air Filter 2 Canteens Neuro-Mace 6-Shooter 2 Wilk's 237 "Backup" Pistols w/ Long E-Clips Wilk's 457 Laser Pulse Rifle 6 extra clips for each 2 Smoke Grenades 4 Flares
Bionics MDC Body: 250 Barding 150 Upper Body 100 Barding 90 Head 140 Rear kick damage: +1d6 MD Attached hip holsters, snap-on armor hardpoints, large concealed compartment behind back, bionic lung Head: Language Translator, Multi-Optics Eye (+1 Strike) CNRRS Secret Compartments Gyro-Compass Forearm Ion Rod Forearm Vibroblade Bionic Jet Pack Micro-Repair Robots