Tiger Praxis
- 33 Days Old
- Alignment: Unprincipled. Select final alignment by L3.
- IQ: 15
- ME: 19 +2 save v/ psionic attack & insanity
- MA: 24 Trust/Intimidate 80%
- PS: 24 (4d6+9 sdc on restrained punch, carry 1200 pounds, lift 2400)
- PP: 14
- PE: 15
- PB: 28 Charm/Impress 86%
- PS: 15 Running, 90 Flying (flies at a hair over 60mph)
- ISP: 44
- PPE: 100
- MDC: 600
Special Abilities[edit]
- Nightvision 200ft
- See the Invisible
- Shadow Meld as spell, at will, 20 minutes duration
- Resistant to normal fire and cold, half from MDC fire/plasma
- Shapeshift 4hrs per day/level
- Impervious to all forms of paralysis
- Regenerates 1d10 MDC per melee round, 1d4x10 per minute
- Teleport: 34 (+2/level)% chance. 5 mile range, self only, failure indicates no teleport occurs rather than a lethal accident, may only attempt every other melee round. May attempt dimensional teleport at half odds at a ley line or nexus
- Poison Breath: 1/melee, 60 ft range, 12 ft area. Cloud lasts 8 seconds. Independent air supply renders immune, filtration isn’t enough. Save v. poison 16+ or be paralyzed for 1d4+1 minutes. Anyone who saves is immune for 24 hours.
- Full understanding of magic. May use all techno-wizard devices without instruction, as well as recognize and use other magic weapons. Read magic & use scrolls. Recognize magic circles & enchantment (latter at 40+5%/level). Sense ley lines & nexus points at 20 miles. Recognize other dragons at visual contact up to 4,000 feet.
- Horror Factor: 11, 13 if he displays his frills in a threatening manner.
RCC Bonuses[edit]
- +1 attack/melee
- +2 initiative
- +1 Perception
- +2 to Strike
- +3 to Parry/Dodge
- +4 to pull punch
- +3 to roll w/ impact
- +6 v. Horror Factor
- +3 v. psionics and mind control
- +1 all other saves
Dragon hand-to-hand[edit]
- Bite 2d6
- Punch 2d6
- Kick 2d6?
- Claw Swipe 5d6
- +2 roll w/ impact
- +1 to pull punch
- Metamorphosis takes a full melee round
- 1st Level Spells: Blinding Flash, Globe of Daylight, Sense Evil
- 2nd Level Spells: Chameleon, Cleanse, Manipulate Object
- Healing: Deaden Pain, Exorcism, Healing Touch, Increased Healing, Induce Sleep, Psychic Diagnosis, Psychic Purification, Psychic Surgery, Stop Bleeding.
- Physical: Alter Aura
- Sensitive: See Aura, Read Dimensional Portal
- Super Psychic: Mind Block Auto-Defense, Telekinetic Force Field
- Speak Elven/Dragon 98%
- Read & Write Elven/Dragon 45%
- Basic Math 45%
- Other Language: American
- Play Musical Instrument: Guitar 35%
- A Regular Sword
- Clothes (Poncho, jeans, shirt, cowboy hat, cowboy boots)
- Some books on how to play guitar, and some pre-disaster magazines.
- A suitcase
- An acoustic guitar