Felix Pryde

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Felix Pryde

Mutant Human Operator L1 (XP: 0/1900)

Alignment: Unprincipled (Selfish)

DescriptionComing Soon
5'9', brown hair, brown eyes, white skin, bland face

Before he found himself in Kansas, the man currently known as Felix Pryde lived in a drastically different world. His home was an immense underground city, a complex of bunkers and chambers linked together by a maze of tunnels and corridors of various sizes. The last city on Earth in fact, home to all that was left of human civilization. Above the world was too devastated and dangerous to survive. Only within their subterranean sanctuary, benevolently managed by a dutiful A.I., did mankind have a chance to live in a thriving society.

So was the official party line. Looking back now, Felix didn't consider the type of existence he lead as thriving. Life was mostly a routine of drudgery interspersed with periods of mortal danger. Hazardous work on inane projects of dubious purpose and bland, innocuous propaganda masquerading as entertainment. And looming over all of that was the fear that at any time one might be terminated for suspicion of being a subversive or deviating from the genetic human standard.

Which, to be perfectly honest, were both things he was actually guilty of. His mutant genes and the abilities they conferred somehow escaped the notice of Quality Control, which was why he was alive in the first place. The subversive part came later, when he was recruited to become a member of clandestine group. A society dedicated to preserving and studying the history and cultural works of the Golden Age before the apocalyptic war which wrecked the world and forced all of mankind underground.

Then one day an opportunity came to do more than secretly appreciate the past glories of humanity. Members of the conspiracy who happened to work in the department devoted to researching new technologies discovered a theoretical means of creating rifts to other locations in time and space. Rather than share this discovery with their superiors they decided to enlist the aid of fellow members to secretly build a rift generator based on their work. Their ultimate goal was to enable a group of them to travel back to the Golden Age and hopefully avert the apocalypse which resulted in the current state of affairs. It seemed like the odds were stacked against them but it couldn't hurt to try. And besides, they'd get to enjoy life at the pinnacle of mankind's existence, beyond the reach of the current regime. It was during the preparation for the journey back that Felix adopted his current identity, an allusion to a legendary figure of the Golden Age that he suspected could be a genetic ancestor due to sharing a mutant power in common. Assuming she was real, of course, and not just a fictional character as some theorized.

Unfortunately somehow Internal Security had somehow managed to discover the plan. Just as the group was about to go through they attacked. The ensuing firefight damaged the generator, causing the rift to become destabilized and engulf all involved. Immediately after that Felix found himself alone in the middle of nowhere. With no other recourse, Felix picked a direction and started walking. Fortunately he turned out to be just a few miles outside of the city of Wichita. It was there he discovered things had gone even more wrong than he thought. The unstable rift had not only separated him from the rest of the group and deposited him in Kansas instead of their intended destination of California but it turned out he wasn't even in the correct era. Felix wasn't actually sure when he was. It had to have been after the War because the United States no longer existed. But the fact that there was a human community doing fine ABOVE THE GROUND seemed to contradict that fact.

Felix wasn't sure what was going on. Maybe he was in an unknown period of history between the fall of the U.S. and the final destruction of the surface world. Or maybe some of his group actually managed to make it back to the Golden Age and change things, just not enough to avert the War entirely. In any case the world he found himself in now wasn't the one he prepared for. Aliens were occupying parts of the world and actual magic was real and widely known about. At least he was still on Earth, in a place where they spoke American. The rift could have scattered the others anywhere in time and space.

With nothing better to do, Felix at first settled down in Wichita, using his skills as a member of Technical Services to earn a good living and build up some resources. Of course he kept his true origins secret, as well as his mutant powers. The former would either get him dubbed crazy or get him unwanted attention. As for the latter, old habits died hard. The people of Wichita were currently tolerant toward all sorts of strange things, but there a nation called the Coalition States out there with apparently different attitudes looking to expand into Kansas. For all Felix knew, they could already have spies in the city.

Despite the potential worry of a Coalition invasion Felix had a pretty good life. Not having the possibility of arrest and execution hanging over one's head. Real food with delicious flavors instead of bland, vat-grown protein. And some very interesting experiences once the effects of the hormone suppressants that had laced that protein had worn off. But making a new life in the city was not his end goal. At least not yet. Not until he found some answers. He didn't know if anyone else in the group had somehow wound up in this time but he had to search for them just in case. And he needed to learn more about the world and its history to figure out whether the past had already been changed or if the events which led to the destruction of the surface world was still destined to happen in the future.

He knew that it would be too dangerous to roam around alone. There were myriad dangers in the wilderness between settlements. Not only that but his knowledge of the current world was rudimentary at best. So he basically prepared to eventually go on the road while biding his time till a group of travelling adventurers he considered relatively trustworthy passed through town and then offer his services as a technical expert if they let him tag along. And that is how he came to be with his current travelling companions


Intelligence Quotient: 14
Mental Endurance: 12
Mental Affinity: 12
Physical Strength: 14
Physical Prowess: 17
Physical Endurance: 14
Physical Beauty: 8
Speed: 25

S.D.C.: 81
Hit Points: 18
Potential Psychic Energy: 8


Wilks 320 Laser Pistol: 1d6 M.D.; Rate of Fire: Each blast counts as one melee attack; 1000 feet range; 20 shot payload; +2 bonus to strike on an aimed shot; Weight: 2 lbs.
Large Wrench: 2d6 S.D.C.
Hammer: 2d6 S.D.C
Urban Warrior Padded Environmental Armor: M.D.C. by Location: Main Body: 55, Helmet: 39, Arms: 18 each, and Legs: 33 each. Weight: 11 lbs; excellent mobility, -5% movement penalty.

Number of Attacks: 4

  • +1 initiative
    • +1 to strike
    • +4 to parry
    • +4 to dodge
    • +4 to roll with impact or fall
    • +2 to pull punch
    • +1 to save vs Horror Factor


O.C.C. Skills
Language - Native Tongue (American): 92%
Language - Techno-Can: 70% + 3% per lvl - 73%
Basic Math: 65% + 5% per lvl - 70%
Computer Operation: 50% + 5% per lvl - 55%
Computer Repair: 40% + 5% per lvl - 45%
Electrical Engineer: 55% +5% per lvl - 60%
Find Contraband: 41% + 4% per lvl - 45%
Jury-Rig: 45% + 5% per lvl - 50%
Mechanical Engineer: 45% +5 per lvl - 50%
Pilot (Automobile): 85% + 2% per lvl - 87%
Combat Driving: Skill Penalties Halved, +2 dodge while driving, +2 to survive crash/impact, only -2 to fire while moving
Pilot (Ground Hovercraft): 75% + 5% - per lvl - 80%
Radio Basic: 60% + 5% per lvl - 65%
Sensory Equipment: 50% + 5% per lvl - 55%
Weapons Engineer: 40% +5% per lvl - 45%
W.P.: Blunt
W.P.: Energy Pistol
Hand to Hand: Basic

O.C.C. Related Skills
Automotive Mechanics: 48% + 5% per lvl - 63%
Barter: 49% + 4% per lvl - 53%
Computer Hacking: 35% + 5% per lvl - 40%
History: Pre-Rifts/Pop Culture: 42%34% + 4% per lvl: 46%/38%
Literacy - Native Tongue (American): 55% + 5% per lvl - 60%
Locksmith: 35% +5% per lvl - 40% (+5% for complex or high tech locks due to Electrical Engineer; +10% if Dexterity would help)
Salvage: 45% + 5% per lvl - 50%
Vehicle Armorer: 40% +5% per lvl - 45%

Secondary Skills
Athletics (General)
Body Building & Weight Lifting

Special Skills
Climbing: 90% from Adhesion component of Chameleon + 10% from Extraordinary Physical Prowess - 100%
Concealment: 30% from Adhesion component of Chameleon + 10% from Extraordinary Physical Prowess - 40%
Palming: 30% from Adhesion component of Chameleon + 10% from Extraordinary Physical Prowess - 40%
Pick Pockets: 30% from Adhesion component of Chameleon + 10% from Extraordinary Physical Prowess - 40%
Prowl: 60% + 2% per lvl from Chameleon + 20% from Intangibility + 10% from Extraordinary Physical Prowess - 92% (+10% when climbing on ceiling)

Special Abilities

Special O.C.C. Abilities

1 . Jury-Rig Repairs. The Operator can slap together solid temporary repairs in half the time that last twice as long. See the Jury-Rig skill for details.

2. Find Parts and Components. +20% to Find Contraband related to vehicular M.D. weapons, M.D.C. materials, power supplies, communications systems, electronics, generators, fuel, mechanical parts and components. This bonus is added to his normal Find Contraband skill whenever such items are involved. Gets these items at a discount - 30% off as a professional courtesy from most other Operators and the Black Market, 50% discount from junkyards and salvage companies, and a 65% discount if he trades at least 1 2 hours of his time to work at a garage, machine shop, or factory for free. Every 1 2 hours he puts in, he can get up to 100,000 credits worth of parts or materials at the discount (that's 3 5 ,000 credits, his cost).

3. Recognize Machine Quality. An exclusive skill that enables the Operator to tell if an item is new or used, defective, rebuilt, low or high quality, a fair price, and whether it's exactly what he needs or not. Skill applies to all most vehicles, machines, parts, tools, and electronics. Base Skill: 58% +3% per level of experience.

4. Repair and Soup-Up Machines & Vehicles. Repairs for Cheap: Can completely repair most parts, machines and vehicles at a cost of 25% of its original list price (plus his time if he's charging for it; typically another 30% to 50%). Requires the right parts and time to make the repair.

  • Replace M.D.C. on the main body and key sections at a cost of 1200 credits per every one M.D.C. point restored. Cannot exceed the original M.D.C. amount
  • Add M.D.C. to brand new vehicles and body armor. The percentage increase depends on the Operator' s level of skill and experience; +5% at levels 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 14 .
  • Maximize Performance. Can tweak a vehicle or most any machine to perform better. Can increase Spd 20%, range (of weapons, radio signals, sensors, etc.) by 10%, reduce weight by 10%, and add one extra weapon or feature per each body area of a vehicle or standing fortification (front/nose, mid-section, rear section, top/roof, bottom/undercarriage, and wing).

Mutant Powers


  • Can blend into environment. Only detectable by sound and motion.
  • Adhesion (same as minor power, maximum climbing speed half running, 90% natural climbing)
  • Hold breath for up to 10 minutes.
  • Feign Death
  • Natural Prowl Skill 60% + 2% per lvl


  • Can affect self and 40lbs of additional material.
  • Most attacks pass right through.
  • Electricity, sonic blasts, particle beams and other attacks that stimulate and agitate molecules do half damage.
  • Psionic and gas attacks have full effect.
  • Can walk through anything and can speak and hear as normal.
  • Can walk on smoke and water.
  • Safety factor prevents PC from becoming tangible when occupying matter.
  • Must become solid to attack.
  • Can become tangible at nearly the speed of thought; four times per melee is the maximum.
  • Add 1d6 to M.A.
  • Add 1d4x10 to SDC
  • Add 20% to Prowl ability.

Extraordinary Physical Prowess

  • Add 2d4 to P.P.
  • Add 3d4 to Speed
  • Add One Extra Attack per Melee
  • +10% to Dexterity Skills


Standard Equipment
Wilks 320 Laser Pistol
Large Wrench
Urban Warrior Padded Environmental Armor
Portable Tool Kit: with electric screwdriver and additional interchangeable heads, wrenches, etc
Large Tool Kit
Soldering Iron
Laser Torch
Roll of Duct Tape
2 Rolls of Electrical Tape
Pen Flashlight
Large Flashlight
A Dozen Flares
200 ft of Super Lightweight Rope: Weight: 10 lbs
2 Knives
Portable Disc Recorder
Portable Language Translator
Protective Goggles
Work Gloves
Pair of Thin Doctor's Gloves
Large Sack
Set of Work Clothes
Utility Belt
Air Filter
Pocket Note Pad
2 Pens
Personal Items: Data Chips with Golden Age movies, shows, music, books and other pop culture products, Fake California Driver's License, Passport and other identity documents which are of course not relevant in the current era

Speedster Hovercycle

  • Crew: One rider, one passenger possible but not comfortable on long trips
  • Maximum Speed: 220 mph (352 km)
  • Engine: Electric
  • Maximum Range: 800 miles
  • Length: 9 feet
  • Weight: 700 lbs
  • M.D.C. By Location: Main Body 85, Hover Jets (3): 30 each
  • Weapons: Laser 1d6 M.D., 1200 feet range, 20 shot payload; Side-mounted mini-missile launchers, 2 missiles each, Fragmentation 5d6 M.D. , Range 1 Mile

Mountaineer ATV

  • Crew: One pilot and can accommodate four passengers comfortably, plus cargo area
  • Maximum Speed: 120 mph (352 km)
  • Engine: Electric
  • Maximum Range: 600 miles
  • Size: 25 feet long, 18 feet tall
  • Weight: 6 tons
  • M.D.C. By Location: Main Body 210, Super Tires (4): 25 each, Reinforced Pilot's Compartment: 50

Purchased Gear
Computer: Portable Field Unit (2500 credits)
Night Sight Goggles: 1600 feet range (1800 credits)

Portable Scan Dihilator (4200 credits)

  • Radar/Sonar: Range : limited to a 5 mile area. A trained operator (Sensory Equipment skill) can positively identify readings asspecific objects or vehicles, pinpoint location, and estimate rate of travel and direction at 65% proficiency.
  • Sensors: Includes dosimeter, radar detector, heat, infrared, ultraviolet, microwave, and energy sensitive instruments; all of which identify, locate source, and record.
  • Long-range, wide-band radio with scrambler: Range : 40 mile radius.
  • Detachable short-range (hand-held) communicator: Range: 3 miles

Money: 3,500 Credits