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Personal Details

Name Marius Ming
Rank Junior Lieutenant
Colony Caprica
Age 25
Callsign Bank


High Concept Ordinary Guy, Insane War
Decompression Ready to Help / Can't Say No
Relationship Don't Meet Her Gaze! (afraid Gorgon will paparazzi his ID across the Fleet)
Relationship ??
Other Son of Crazy Rich Capricans


Great [+4] Technology
Good [+3] Pilot, Investigate
Fair [+2] Tactics, Discipline, Rapport
Average [+1] Gunnery, Shoot, Sneak, Athletics

Personal Stunts

Name Effect
Cutting Corners “Gain a +2 bonus to Create Advantage actions related to manipulating bureaucracy.”
5Ds of Defense “Gain a +2 bonus to your first Defend action in an engagement when you aren’t surprised and have space to get out of the way.”

Personal Details

Marius Ming was looking forward to a calm, prosperous career as an up-and-coming executive in his family business, Ming Monetary Services - until he scored a little too high in his military aptitude placement examinations. Marius found himself in flight school, where he developed "adequate" piloting skills. He excelled in technical skills and found his business training useful in manipulating the Colonial Navy bureaucracy. Hoping for a comfy rear-echelon piloting job - after graduation, Marius opened his orders and found himself headed to a combat zone.

Disappointed, Marius squandered his remaining cubits on an epic blowout weekend, paying the entire bill for his graduating class. A grad drunkenly said, "Boy'ssss got bank." before passing out, and the callsign stuck.

Marius "Bank" Ming, the bankers' kid, was headed to War!