Sofía Llerena Dam

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Sofía Llerena Dam


Brawn: 3 Agility 2 Intellect 3 Cunning 4 Willpower 2 Presence 2

Soak: 4 Wound Threshold: 13 Strain Threshold: 12


Brawl 1 Coercion 1 Knowledge (Society) 1 Perception 1 Skulduggery 1 Streetwise 2


Cross-Body Bag Durable Clothing Forensic Kit PAD Palm Stunner Slap-Patch Snap-Locks x2

140 credits


Strength: Adaptable. No matter what life throws at her, she will always rise to the challenge. She is flexible and can handle nearly every situation, no matter how grim or strange the circumstances.

Flaw: Anger. She lashes out at herself or others with undue cause or with extreme force. She is quick to resort to physical force to solve her problems.

Desire: Justice. She believes in a set of ethics that demands fair treatment for all. She is dedicated to righting inequality and protecting others' rights.

Fear: Failure. Most people dislike failure, but she actively fears it. That fear may drive her to try to become absolutely perfect, or it may crush her into inaction. Maybe it does both.