Resident Magi
- Maga Dunathane ex Tytalus
- Magus Fabian ex Guernicus, Presiding Quesitor of the Brittanian Tribunal
- Magus Laudatos ex Bonisagus beni Bonisagus
- Magus Raven ex Bjornaer
Visiting Magi
- Alexander, Familiar of Laudatos, Tortoise-shell Tomcat
- Novak, Familiar of Dunathane, Blue Fox
- Ivan and Company, Raven's Conspiracy
- Anaxamenes and Anaxamander, Owls
- Beauregard, Great Owl
- Jackie, Wife of Fabian
- James, Captain of the Guard
- Joao da Silva Raval, Portugese Blademaster
- Sir Reginald Marshall, Earl of Pembrokeshire
- Sir Walter Marshall, Son of Earl Reginald Marshall
- Arthur, Sergeant of the Guard
- Thomas, Sergeant of the Guard
- Guardsman x 25
- Alphonse, Housecarl
- Professor Kingsford, Magister in Artibus, Deceased
- Charles, Son of Fabian and Jackie, Studying at Oxford
- Anna, Governess, Wife of James, Captain of the Guard
- Malcolm, Huntmaster
- Huntsman x 3
- Devlin, Master Glassblower
- Henry, Apprentice Glassblower
- John, Manservant
- Manservant x 2
- Catherine, Maid
- Maid x 2
- Master Carpenter
- Carpenter x 3
- Blacksmith
- Apprentice Blacksmith
- Mason
- Apprentice Mason
- Head Cook
- Cook x 3
- Bookbinder x 2
- Laborer x 8
- Librarian
- Scribe x 2
- Mayor
- Daughter
- Blacksmith
- Apprentice Blacksmith
- Jacob, Sr., Miller
- Jacob, Jr., Son
- Joseph, Son
- John, Son
- James, Son
- Jeremy, Son
- Annabelle, Daughter
- Fisherman x 6
- Shipwright
- Carpenter
- Cooper
- Lumberjack x 2
- 80 Other assorted peasants
- Amaghanon, Dragon
- Brother Ugantu
Brittanian Tribunal[edit]
Stonehenge, Autumn Covenant[edit]
- Archmagus Doceputos ex Bonisagus beni Bonisagus
- Parens of Magus Laudatos of Stormkeep
- Magus Augustus ex Guernicus, Quesitores
- Parens of Magus Fabian of Stormkeep
- Maga Madaline ex Miscellanea
- Magus Kensing ex Verditius
- Magus Simon ex Tytalus, Missing
- Magus Cornelius ex Jerbiton, Baron of Salisbury
Blackthorne, Autumn Covenant[edit]
- Magus Ironheart ex Tytalus, Missing
- Parens of Maga Dunathane of Stormkeep
- Magus Cseri Viktor ex Tremere
- Cseri Gergo, Apprentice
- Tremere Exarch of Stonehenge, Hibernia, Loch Leglan, and Normandy
- Maga Trina ex Bonisagus beni Trianoma
- Magus Ellias ex Merinita
Cad Gadu, Autumn Covenant, Domus Magnus of Ex Miscellanea[edit]
- Maga Ralassa ex Miscellanea, Primus of House Ex Miscellanea
- Magus Timothy ex Miscellanea
- Magus Mikhael ex Tremere
- Magus ex Miscellanea
- Magus ex Miscellanea
- Magus ex Miscellanea
Crun Clach, Autumn Covenant[edit]
- Archmagus Magnus Frasier ex Tytalus
- Maga Caitlin ex Merinita
- Magus Alexander the Lame ex Merinita
- Aine, Apprentice
- Magus Iain ex Merinita, filius Caitlin
- Magus Radislav am Polanach ex Criamon
- Magus Seumus the Cat ex Bjornaer
Dun Moch, Autumn Covenant[edit]
- Magus Callegh ex Bjornaer
- Parens of Magus Raven of Stormkeep
- Magus ex Merenita
- Magus ex Miscellanea
- Magus ex Miscellanea
- Magus ex Miscellanea
Haorsingas, Autumn Covenant[edit]
- Magus Edwin ex Miscellanea
- Magus Whitburh Frithowebba ex Guernicus, filius Augustus of Stonehenge
- Magus Giuseppe Del Mato ex Flambeau
- Jehan of Surrey, Magus ex Miscellanea
- Maga Ealwynn ex Miscellanea, filia Edwin
- Coenwulf Eofurcumbol ex Miscellanea, filius Edwin
- Magus Aelfred ex Tremere
Mac Gruagach, Autumn Covenant[edit]
- Magus Calum Mac Lachlan ex Miscellanea (Gruagach clan)
- Magus Domnhull ex Bonisagus beni Bonisagus
- Magus Mungan Mor ex Miscellanea (Gruagach clan)
- Maga Mairisene Ex Miscellanea (Gruagach clan)
- Diana nam Grechanach, Apprentice
- Fearghus Mac Mungan Ex Miscellanea, filius Mairisene (Gruagach clan)
- Magus Aonghus Lamh Iarran ex Miscellanea (Gruagach clan)
- Magus Nechtan Dubh ex Bjornaer filius Brudeus of Rome
Eilean Beg, Summer Covenant[edit]
- Magus Terros McAllioch ex Tytalus
- Magus Ungas McAllioch ex Tytalus
- Magus ex Miscellanea
- Magus ex Bjornaer
- Magus ex Miscellanea
Oxford, Summer Covenant[edit]
- Magus Vatius ex Bonisagus beni Bonisagus, Deceased
- Magus Mellard ex Bonisagus beni Bonisagus
- Magus Blaise ex Verditius
- Magus Rafael ex Jerbiton
- Charles, Apprentice
- Maga Elena ex Miscellanea
- (was Evieve, Apprentice of Maga Madaline ex Miscellanea, Stonehenge Covenant)
Riverwinde, Summer Covenant, Mercere House[edit]
- Matteo Corwall ex Mercere, Chief Redcap
- Arianna Lucasson, Daughter of Jonas ex Mercere, Redcap
- Magus Hesshin ex Criamon
- Magus Halphek ex Criamon, filius Hesshin(was Dawar)
- Maga Anathalia ex Jarbiton
- Maga Isolde ex Miscellanea
- Maga Imelia ex Miscellanea
Amberhill, Summer Covenant[edit]
- Magus Daffyd ex Merinita
- Magus Heinrich von Kraus ex Tremere
- Magus Bernard ex Miscellanea
- Maga Griselda ex Bjornaer
Stormkeep, Summer Covenant[edit]
- Maga Dunathane ex Tytalus
- Magus Fabian ex Guernicus, Presiding Quesitor
- Magus Laudatos ex Bonisagus beni Bonisagus
- Magus Raven ex Bjornaer
- Magus Volk ex Bjornaer
Greenbriar, Summer Covenant[edit]
- Magus Pierre ex Criamon
- Maga Seline ex Merinita
- Maga Guen ex Merinita
- Magus Gunsev ex Tytalus, Grim's Ward
- Magus Ferros ex Tytalus, filius Gunsev
- Lord Nesrym, Noble of the Summer Court, Count of the Wild Hunt
- Stephen, Irish Bard
Seven Hills, Summer Covenant[edit]
- Maga Meritas ex Bonisagus beni Bonisagus
- The Green Man, Magus ex Miscellanea, Quesitores
- Magus William Fireheart ex Flambeau
- Magus Jean de Matoine ex Jerbiton, Knight of the Order of Hermes, Quesitores
- Magus Marcus ex Jerbiton
- Magus Esteban ex Verditius
- Maga Violet ex Merinita
Nightwatch, Spring Covenant[edit]
- Magus Rhanillius ex Merinita
- Maga Emeline ex Merinita
- Maga Adelaide ex Bonisagus beni Trianoma
- Magus Tavish ex Miscellanea
Snowden, Summer Covenant[edit]
- Maga Deanna ex Miscellanea, Vox ex Snowden
- Magus Arien ex Miscellanea
- Magus ex Miscellanea
- Magus ex Miscellanea
- Magus ex Miscellanea
- Magus ex Miscellanea
- Magus ex Miscellanea
- Magus ex Miscellanea
- Magus ex Miscellanea
- Magus ex Miscellanea
- Magus ex Miscellanea
- Magus ex Miscellanea
Cathal Glenn, Spring Covenant[edit]
- Magus Armadal ex Miscellanea, filia Fionghan
- Brian, Apprentice
- Magus Baoithein ex Miscellanea, filia Fionghan
- Maga Dolidh ex Miscellanea, filia Ceana
Sgiath Tuath, Spring Covenant[edit]
- Magus Aigneis ex Miscellanea
- Magus Fearghus ex Jerbiton
- Magus Thesian ex Miscellanea
- Magus Mullach ex Miscellanea
Lerinus, Spring Covenant[edit]
- Carloman ex Miscellanea
- Finnach ex Criamon
Burnham, Winter Covenant[edit]
- Magus Stephios ex Tytalus
- Parens of Magus Ironheart of Blackthorne
Ungulus, Winter Covenant[edit]
- Magus Flavius ex Miscellanea
- Maga Aquila ex Bjornaer
- Magus Sinaed ex Miscellanea
Ballymeanoch, Winter Covenant[edit]
- Magus Fionghan ex Miscellanea
- Maga Ceana ex Miscellanea
Aonaranan, Winter Covenant[edit]
- Maga ex Flambeau
Bedwick, Winter Covenant[edit]
- Magus Ceolan ex Miscellanea
- Maga Murha ex Miscellanea
Others in Brittanian Tribunal[edit]
- Magus Kail "The Forge" ex Tytalus
- Eldest known living Magus (born 939 A.D.)
- Founder of the Grim's Ward
- Great-Grand-parens of Magus Gunsev ex Tytalus
- Father Daniel of Pembroke
- Queen Lumilla of the Summer Court
- Queen Ludmilla of the Winter Court
Lineage of Archmagus Verallus[edit]
- Yerlus, Entered Final Twilight
- Xelces, Archmagus, Levant
- Jensis, Magus, Normandy
- Saporus, Magus, Greater Alps (orig. Horus)
- Jensis, Magus, Normandy
- Xelces, Archmagus, Levant
- Doceputos, Archmagus, Stonehenge
- Mercurios, Archmagus, Rome
- Apollos, Magus, Thebes (orig. Matthew)
- Cyrano, Apprentice, Thebes, g.1248
- Apollos, Magus, Thebes (orig. Matthew)
- Laudatos, Magus, Stonehenge
- Meritas, Maga, Stonehenge (orig. Mary)
- Mercurios, Archmagus, Rome
- Ar'cus, Hexmaster, Rhine
- Residi, Magus, Iberia
- Bruce, Apprentice, Rhine, g.1245
- Traesecus, Maga, Thebes
- Correla, Maga, Rome
- Grellias, Maga, Greater Alps
- Nortos, Magus, Rhine
Rhine Tribunal[edit]
- Archmagus Nichodemus ex Bonisagus beni Bonisagus, Primus of House Bonisagus, Praeco of the Order of Hermes
- Archmaga Murion ex Bonisagus beni Bonisagus, Future Praeco of the Order, Covenant of Durenmar
- Magus Occultes ex Bonisagus beni Bonisagus, Covenant of Durenmar
- Jorrhan, Apprentice, Golden-eyed son of Dunathane and Laudatos, b.1230
- Magus Rommel ex Tytalus, Grim's Ward, parens of Magus Gunsev ex Tytalus
- Magus Amantier ex Bonisagus beni Bonisagus, Covenant of Glimmling
- Maga Hestia ex Bonisagus beni Bonisagus, Covenant of Durenmar
- Maga Dorana ex Bonisagus beni Trianoma, Covenant of Fangheld
Rome Tribunal[edit]
- Archmagus Mercurios ex Bonisagus beni Bonisagus filia Doceputos
- Archmagus Justicius ex Guernicus, Primus of House Guernicus, Presiding Quesitor of the Order of Hermes
- Magus Axios ex Guernicus, Quesitor
- Maga Lucita ex Mercere
- Catherine Lucasson, Apprentice, daughter of Jonas and Violet, b.1229
Normandy Tribunal[edit]
- Archmagus Jarl ex Mercere
- Joseph Lucasson, Apprentice, b.1227
- Son of Jonas ex Mercere of Stormkeep and Lady Violet, Apprentice at Greenbriar
- Magus Bullistie ex Tytalus
- Maga Selsius ex Tytalus
- Magus Heroditus ex Miscellanea
- Parens of Magus Sebastian ex Miscellanea of Cad Gadu
Hibernian Tribunal[edit]
- Magus Daduchos ex Merinita
Tribunal of Thebes[edit]
- Magus Shinhus "Rampart" ex Tytalus, Covenant of Thermopylae
- Primus of House Tytalus
- Grand-parens of Magus Gunsev ex Tytalus
- Maga Thisseline ex Bonisagus beni Bonisagus, Covenant of Delphi
- Magus Thamosius ex Verditius, Covenant of Naxoa
- Magus Apollos ex Bonisagus beni Bonisagus
- Thales ex Mercere, Redcap
Provencal Tribunal[edit]
- Magus Trentus ex Flambeau, Covenant of Val Negra, Primus of House Flambeau
- Magus Calcipher ex Flambeau, Covenant of Val Negra
Iberian Tribunal[edit]
- Maga Ballaphia ex Bonisagus beni Trianoma, Covenant of Barcelona
Tribunal of the Levant[edit]
- Magus Galliphos ex Bonisagus beni Trianoma, Covenant of Antioch
- Archmagus Xelces ex Bonisagus beni Bonisagus