Church of the Resplendent Selfplex

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Primarch Jeazamor Enjenai

The Church of the Resplendent Selfplex may not be as spiritual as some, but it makes in fire power for what it lacks in theology. It has a small Hammer fleet of rather slow and heavy but well-armed ships, vying with the Order of the Seventh Question for Hammer supremacy.

Although Primarch Jeazamor Enjenai has a keen understanding of politics, he tends to form better alliances with the Merchant League than with other religious leaders. Some say that the Church of the Resplendent Selfplex is nothing but a commercial entreprise masquerading as a religion anyway. It is not widely popular among the population and not at all among the serfs and slaves, but it does appeal to some middle-class freemen as a feel-good, self-absorbed creed that requires little effort (but a certain amount of cash.)

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