Blugg Swamp

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Blugg Swamp is an area of the city that sits in a natural basin. A small outlet of the Andle river flows into it and the water seeps out underground. Due to it's low-lying position, it has gradually, over the years, filled with water until it became what it is today, festering mud and stagnant water. The houses and shops of the area are all raised several feet above the surface on rickety wooden stilts and it seems to the casual observer that the entire place only stays above the waterline because all the houses lean in on each other. The swamp is several metres deep and many half submerged ruined buildings can be seen beneath the waterline. Brave souls occasionally venture into the swamp but it's denizens are fierce and protective. A thriving eco-system of strange beasts and fearsome predators has evolved over the years and now the only bits on swamp-level frequented by normal citizens is the small lizardfolk community that live in mud and straw huts on the outskirts of the mire. This place, a sub district of the swamp, is known as Mudscale.