Solomon Arbuster

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Solomon Arbuster

Logos: Half-Maori Solicitor

Mythos: Tawhiri, God of Weather

Thompson & Southhorn, Esquire | Routine

"This might make my career!"

  • Power Tag: Practicing Solicitor (A)
  • Power Tag: Excellent Professional Connections(B)
  • Power Tag: Extensive Legal Knowledge (E)
  • Weakness: Junior Position in the Firm (B)

Col. David Arbuster | Defining Relationship

"I hope one day he'll forget my native blood."

  • Power Tag: You can't Ignore Your Own Father (A)
  • Power Tag: Military Ways and Firearms (C)
  • Power Tag: Thick-Skinned (D)
  • Weakness: Vying for Parliament (C)

Lord of the Weather | Adaptation

"Are my divine brothers out there?"

  • Power Tag: Master of the Elements (A)
  • Power Tag: Summon Lightning (C)
  • Power Tag: Call Rain and Fog (J)
  • Weakness: The Angry Storm is Hard to Calm (B)

Father of the Four Winds | Mobility

"Who is conspiring against the earth and sky?"

  • Power Tag: Carried by the Air (A)
  • Power Tag: Tonga Will Catch Me (F)
  • Power Tag: Mighty Gusts of Wind (G)
  • Weakness: Things Can Get Blown About (D)


Solomon is the son of Col. David Arbuster, whom sired Solomon while on duty in New Zealand with a native woman. His father has been ambivalent, at turns proud of his son or shamed of the evidence of his miscegenation - but Solomon won't sever ties knowing You can't Ignore Your Own Father. As the son of a military man, Solomon knows well Military Ways and Firearms, and has learned to be Thick-Skinned when dealing with comments about his heritage from the Colonel or anyone else. A particular issue as the Colonel is Vying for Parliament.

Day to day, Solomon works at Thompson & Southhorn, Esquire, a prominent law firm. He secured not long ago admission to the Law Society, making him a Practicing Solicitor boasting from years of study Extensive Legal Knowledge. Thompson & Southhorn's superb reputation and clients offers Excellent Professional Connections, but Solomon can't forget the pecking order, he only holds a Junior Position in the Firm.

As the Rift of Tawhiri, Lord of the Weather, Solomon is Master of the Elements, can Summon Lightning and Call Rain and Fog. Yet knowing the old stories, Solomon wonders if he must battle again his divine kinfolk, and the warning that The Angry Storm is Hard to Calm.

Likewise, Tawhiri was Father of the Four Winds. Solomon flies Carried by the Air and never fears a fall for Tonga Will Catch Me. If he needs to be more direct, much can be done with Mighty Gusts of Wind. But of course with any strong wind, there is always the risk that Things Can Get Blown About.

A Day in the Life

Solomon sat at the table, papers spread about, deep in thought. The windows were open, as it was such a hot day, and Solomon quietly commanded the winds to blow a cool breeze into the building for the benefit of the occupants. The matter was a serious one, as often they did when Sir Wallace Young was involved. Truthfully, Solomon was surprised Mr. Thompson and Mr. Southhorn were putting this matter into his hands, Sir Young a long-standing client and cousin of the Prime Minister no less. And sensitive it was. Sir Wallace was a silent partner in a certain shipping concern and conflict between the owner and the aristocrat regarding losses and irregularities needed to be resolved - without scandal. Accusations might be made public in society soon, or the courts. If come to it, he had to ensure Sir Wallace's position was clear and unimpeachable. So pouring over ledgers and books of law it was.