To Sail the Sleeping Stars:Brigia Theodorus

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Sister-Superior Brigia Theodorus

Fate Points: 2
Refresh: 2
Physical Stress: [1] [2] [3]
Mental Stress: [1] [2]
Consequences: [Mild] [Moderate] [Severe]


High Concept: Former Seraphim Squad Commander, Order of the Sacred Pyre
Trouble: Penitent-in-Exile
Aspect 3: By Faith and Fire
Aspect 4: Compassion is the Balm of the Weak and the Unbeliever
Aspect 5: Set Upon a Sacred Quest


Great (+4): Shoot
Good (+3): Athletics, Fight
Fair (+2): Lore, Notice, Will
Average (+1): Crafts, Empathy, Investigate, Physique


Deny the Witch: As a member of the Adepta Sororitas your faith in the God-Emperor and purity of spirit are without question. They are your shield against the corruption and manipulations of the Warp. +2 to Will to Defend against Psyker attacks, corruption and Warp mutation.

Genevieve’s Blessing: Saint Genevieve, the holy patron of the Sacred Pyre grew up on a forest world where her family labored felling lumber. Ecclesiarcal writings record that as a child the Saint single-handedly decimated an entire ork warband with naught but her faith and a pair of her father’s hand-axes. Combat training in dual hand-axes has been an act of prayerful devotion to the Sisters of the Sacred Pyre since the time of their founding. Any time you succeed on an attack using dual axes, the stress inflicted is increased by one.

One-Woman Arsenal: Although you are in a state of exile from your Order, your former Sisters did not send you out upon your holy quest unarmed. You are possessed of a great number of blessed weaponry and you have knack for acquiring new (although more mundane) weapons as needed. Use Shoot instead of Resources when dealing with weaponry.

Unleash Hell: As a Seraphim, you have been extensively trained in the use of dual inferno pistols in order to rain down fiery retribution upon the unbeliever. Any time you use dual inferno pistols and you succeed at a Shoot attack, you automatically create a Fair (+2) opposition against movement in that zone until your next turn as the entire zone is transformed into a raging inferno. You can spend a FP to increase the movement opposition by one point per FP spent up to a maximum of +4

Extras and Gear

Seraphim Pattern Jump Pack
Adepta Sororitas Pattern Power Armor: Armor 2
Godwyn-Deaz Pattern Bolter: Weapon 2
Dual Seraphim Inferno Pistols: Weapon 2 (long range) Weapon 3 (short range)
Dual Mono-edge Combat Axes: Weapon 1