The Spiderweb: Knight The Bull

Runaway teenager who was the subject of experiments, with the memories of a veteran knight from a fantasy realm
Hero Name: Knight
Real Name: K Ruiz-Reyes (KRR), and Sir K
- Shifting
- Hispanic
- Battered Hands
- Baggy Clothing
- Simple Costume (Eyeblack and the coveralls she stole from FIST)
"...I pick up my sword, or whatever other weapon I need, and I fight; my panolpy is always at hand. I deflect attacks with my shield and armor; my knightly resolve protects me from other threats, if necessary. And I am a skilled fighter because I am a veteran of a quarter-century's worth of battles."
"And none of these things are true, because you aren't even twenty, and do not, and have never had, a sword, a shield, armor, or anything like that."
"...well, yeah. Hallucinations and fake memories as a side effect of what was done to me. Except that my hallucinations are sometimes stronger than your reality."
Danger | Freak | Savior | Superior | Mundane | |
Starting | +2 | +1 | -1 | +1 | +0 |
Current | +2 | +1 | -1 | +1 | +0 |
You've Got A Head You Don't Need
- When you provoke someone with obvious threats and shows of force, roll + Danger instead of + Superior
In A China Shop
- When you directly engage a threat, you can cause significant collateral damage to your environment to choose an additional option, even on a miss
Love: Obsidian
Rival: Measure
Measure has influence over Knight.
Obsidian has influence over Knight.
None Currently
Who changed you?
"Well, according to the logo on their uniforms, FIST. The F stands for Foundation. I don't know about the rest of it. They grabbed me and some other kids out of a shelter. The people who ran the shelter had to know-- we were set up, and I think they went after kids who came in from out of town, so a local family wouldn't be looking for them."
How did you escape from them?
"I battled my way through the foe with strength and cunning, aye, for I cut down their hidden eyes as I cut down their guards, and did batter down the... woah. Yeah, look, I don't remember that the way other people will, all right? The... other memories were really strong then, and to me, it was fighting my way out of a dungeon. I didn't really remember who I was until after I was out, and I walked for a long time until I found a road that lead me back into the city."
Who, outside the team, tries to take care of you now?
"Well, when I got back into town, I went after the shelter, obviously. They were pretty much shutting down as I arrived, but that involved a lot of gunfire aimed at witnesses, and I stepped in, and I wound up saving some kids. One girl, Amra, I helped her get reconciled with her family-- not as hard as it sounds-- and they set me up with some part-time work cleaning up the store they own and stuff. And they let me sleep in the basement, and honestly, her mother gets maternal at me, and keeps pushing food on me and stuff. It's... really nice of them."
Why do you try to be a hero?
"I already am one. I have the memories of being one, and fake or not, it's a quarter-century of heroism. And... ah, hell. Someone has to."
Why do you care about the team?
"They're trying to help. I remember having allies. Sometimes, that's the only thing that gets you through."
None currently