QuZi PC: Dora the Red

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Name: Dora the Red


Look: Woman The apocalypse has come, and those ancient barriers that divided the genders have broken Scrounged Mismatched Armor - There are no standard uniforms for those in the Division. We just wear what keeps us warm or keeps us cool... and protected Bony Face There is never enough food to go around, sadly. Sad Eyes All things end; winter always comes. Hard Body Training hardens the body, while combat hardens the heart.

Labels Cool +1 I've seen the fires of battle and come through the other side. Hard +2 I don't bend. Hot -1 Got no use for passion. It burned out of me a lifetime ago. Sharp +1 Keener than some. Weird =0 The world is off and I have seen some strange things, but I don't partake much in it.

Moves: Fuck this shit (Roll +hard to escape) Bloodcrazed (+1 harm) NOT TO BE FUCKED WITH (In battle, count as a small gang)

Hx: Which one of you once left me bleeding, and did nothing for me?

  • Jay the Angel used me as a blood bag to save Ehrenschild. Thought I intellectually know that it was necessary, I'm not sure that I've ever really forgiven her for it.

Which one of you has fought shoulder to shoulder with me?

  • Playboy may be batshit crazy, but she really knows her way around an axe and is good to have at your back in a fight. If I ever need to take her out, best to do it from far away.

Which one of you is prettiest and/or smartest?


Assault Rifle Grenade Tube / AP Ammo 9mm Mismatched set of military and police combat armor (2-armor) oddments worth 2-barter