Hope City Heroes: The Administrator

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Code Name[edit]

The Administrator


High Concept - Psychic Intelligence Agent

Example Invokes: Telepathically extract intel from enemy; maintain psychic communication network for team members; “I swear it feels like someone’s watching us…” (clairvoyance); “What in hell’s name is my wife doing over there?” (illusions)

Compels: “Search all you want, Administrator! You’ve never felt anger like this before.”; a false memory implanted as a psychic decoy

Background - Ex-intelligence director and agent handler for the US during WWII (recently thawed from frozen time bubble)

Example Invokes: Highly trained to reveal no tells when lying; “Yes, those red strings on the conspiracy theory map are illusory, but they help put things together”; “On the contrary, Rule 34(A)(2)(iii)(f) of the Byzantine Administrative Code requires you to give us access immediately.”

Compels: The conspiratorial rot at the root of American political institutions; Agent O’Neal, his greatest failure and regret

Trouble - Residual tachyon field distortions

Example Invokes: “If only I had one more second…”

Compels: Sudden appearance of Nazis riding dinosaurs; unexpectedly meeting a future ex-lover for an information drop

Free Aspect - TBD

Free Aspect - TBD



  • Clever


  • Careful
  • Sneaky


  • Quick
  • Forceful


  • Flashy


Stunt 1: Because the Administrator is a clairvoyant spy, he gets +2 when he cleverly creates and advantage by scouting an enemy location.

Stunt 2: Because the Administrator is trained in Telepathic Counter-intelligence Techniques, he can ignore any number of shifts once per game session from a mental attack.

Stunt 3: Because the Administrator is One Step Ahead, he can negate one action by an opponent once per game session.

Other Statistics[edit]

Stress Track

[_] [_] [_]


Mild [2]:

Moderate [4]:

Severe [6]:

Refresh: 3

Personal Details[edit]

Little was known about the Administrator before he was recruited by the Agency, and what little was known was always highly classified. A tall and spindly man draped in a drab brown suit with matching brown bowtie, the Administrator has no adornment save his spectacles—small round lenses spattered with psychedelic swirls of purple and green and red, the only window into the deep well of psychic power that lays below. Few directly gaze into these twin portals, and none have actually seen the Administrator’s eyes.

Although the public never learned of the Administrator’s existence, he provided psychic support for teams of spies during the war, quickly rose to the rank of handler, and briefly assumed the role of Agency Director. His tenure was cut short when he decided to re-enter the field during a botched operation to stop Nazi occultists from summoning an unknowable being from beyond time and space, despite clear regulations to the contrary in the Byzantine Administrative Code. His clairvoyance blocked by chthonic forces, his predictive models slightly off base, the Administrator was ultimately engulfed by a bubble of frozen time. He found himself thawed decades later in a world still in desperate need of patriots.

Because it’s hard for humans to shake off the effects of being trapped in time, tachyons now bleed from the Administrator’s body like Kirby dots and lead to all sorts of local distortions in the timestream.

Perhaps even worse, all mentions of the Agency have been scrubbed away from the present, and not a single Agency safe house remains.