Dog King's Bounty:Failinas

- Agility: d8
- Smarts: d6
- Spirit: d6
- Strength: d8 (treat as d10 for encumbrance and weapon minimums)
- Vigor: d8
Other Stats
- Rank: Seasoned
- XP: 20
- Bennies: 3/3
- Wounds: 0/3
- Fatigue: 0/2
- Parry: 6 (8 w/shield)
- Toughness: 10 (3), legs are 9 (2).
- Pace: 6”
- Size: +1
- PP: 15/15
- Powers: Teleport
- Longsword: d8 Fighting, 2d8 damage
- Dagger: d8 Fighting, d8+d4 damage
- Dagger, thrown: d6 Athletics, d8+d4 damage
- Driven (major): Determined to be known as a hero
- Heroic
- Loyal (racial)
- Gifted (teleport) (racial)
- Brawny (Size +1, +1 Toughness, treat Strength as +1 rank for encumbrance and Str minimums for weapons)
- Connections (Huan family, allied noble houses)
Athletics: d8 Battle: d4 C. Knowledge d6 Fighting: d8 Focus: d6 Notice: d4 Persuasion: d6 Riding: d4 Stealth: d4 Survival: d6
Longsword ($300, 3 pounds) Dagger ($25, 1 pound, range 3/6/12) Shield, medium ($100, 8 pounds, +2 Parry, -2 cover) Chainmail shirt ($300, 25 pounds, +3 armor) Studded leather leggings ($40, 7 pounds, +2 armor) Steel helm ($25, 4 pounds, +3 armor) Backpack ($50, 2 pounds) Bedroll ($25, 4 pounds) First Aid Kit ($10, 1 pound) Flint and steel ($3, 1 pound) Torches (2) ($10, 2 pounds) Trail rations, 5 days ($30, 15 pounds) Waterskin ($5, 1 pound) Clothing, casual ($20, 2 pounds) $53
Total weight 76 pounds
Advances Spent
+1 Agility (d6 -> d8) Connections (Huan family, allied houses) +1 Common Knowledge & Persuasion +1 Vigor (d6 -> d8)