A Handful of Dollars/Gayle

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Gayle Wiley comes from the hills and hollers of East Tenessee, where the Wileys have been making moonshine for as long as whites have been in that land. They're a brawling quarrelsome lot, and Gayle grew up steeped in moonshine and bloody feuds. A little matter of a dead man who turned out to be related to the Sheriff sent this particular Wiley scion west to Arizona, with a Kentucky rifle, an Arkansas Toothpick, a few jugs of good Tennessee whiskey, and a serious problem with authority.

Gayle is a rawboned young man in battered dungarees and a shirt that once was white. A mass of curly black hair spills from under a shapeless felt hat. His nose has clearly been broken at some point, and his right hand is missing the little finger. He wears a rifle slung over one shoulder and carries a gunnysack full of his worldly goods across the other. A knife as long as his forearm hangs from his belt next to a leather satchel, balanced by a heavy revolver on the other side.


