Items of Interest from Against The Giants
Items- Unassigned (So go for it)
Chasuble of fell power (+2d6 Eldritch Blast, Greater) 18,000 Hewards Handy Haversack (holds 120lbs,weighs 5. Free action to use) 2,000 Ring of Lockpicking +5 Open Locks Knock, 1/day4,500 Possum pouch (12”x 3”wide pouch DC30 on search) 1800 Quiver of Ehlonna (2lbs Holds 60arr/18jav/6spears,staves.) 1800 Boots of Striding and springing (+10’ speed/+5 jump) 5,500 Eversmoking Bottle Eyes of Doom The Sword Tang (+1 weapon) (Sheds light, Chaotic Good, Int 15, Wis 10, Cha 15, Ego 8, Speech (Common, Auran, Draconic) and telepathy (wielder only), Darkvision (60 ft.) and hearing, Intimidate 10 ranks, Locate Object 3/day, Major Image 1/day) Added Deadly Precision to sword +16,000 Ring of the Ram (24c) Wand of Lightning Bolt (5th) (4c) Wand of Magic Missile (7th) (8c) Rod of Flame Extinguishing Wind Fan Scroll of Death Ward 4th cl 750
Scr: resist Cold, Acid, Sonics 10 450 Scr: Detect Poison x 4 50 Scr: Prot from evil x 4 100 Potions of cure light wounds.x 2 200 Potion of neutralize Poison 750 +1 Brilliant Energy Ghost Touch Scimitar (Sheds light) +2 Light Blackwood Shield (+3 AC) Wand of Charm Animal ........ 187.5 gp to recharge Wand of Summon Monster III .. 2812.5 gp to recharge Wand of Eagle's Splendor .... 1125 gp to recharge Wand of Enlarge Person ...... 187.5 gp to recharge Wand of Owl's Wisdom ........ 1125 gp to recharge ag of Holding Type IV ...... 10,000 gp Elemental Gems (1 of each) .. 18,000 gp (2,250 each) Iridescent Spindle .......... 18,000 gp Alchemist’s Lab ............. 500 gp Dragonhide Breastplate (+5 AC / +3 max dex / -3 acp) Rod of the Viper Restorative Ointment (2c)
Other Items
Scrolls and letters taken from Nosnra.