TSM: Andrew Laurie

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Name: Andrew Laurie
House: Gryffindor
Year: 5th
Wand: 8 1/2", Elm and Phoenix Feather, slightly pliant
Player: MonoRed


Name: Andrew Laurie

Refresh: 3


High Concept: Gryffindor 5th Year - The Tough Guy

Trouble: Chronic Self-Worth Issues

Aspect 3: Least Magical Family Ever

Aspect 4: Can't Turn Down A Fight

Aspect 5: Barely-Hidden Soft Side


Good (+3) Forceful

Fair (+2) Clever, Quick

Average (+1) Sneaky, Flashy

Mediocre (+0) Careful


8 1/2 inches. Elm. Phoenix feather core. Slightly pliant.

Stunt: The Best Defense... - Potent, straightforward, doesn't know the meaning of delicacy. +2 to Forcefully Attack enemies who are on the defensive or trying to be tricky.


You 'Avin' A Giggle, Mate?

Because I Can't Turn Down A Fight, when someone insults or provokes me or someone I care about, I get +2 to Forcefully Attack while bashing their fookin' 'ead in.

Guess What I Brought?

Because I come from the Least Magical Family Ever, once per session I can spend a Fate Point to go to my trunk and retrieve a muggle artifact that is absolutely not allowed on school grounds. Not much point in bringing electronics, of course, since they still don't work around Hogwarts.

Just Don't Tell Anyone, Alright?

Because I have a Barely-Hidden Soft Side, I get +2 to Carefully Overcome when I drop the tough act to console someone I care about or genuinely ask someone for help, as long as the person I'm talking to is the only one around to see.


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