Pathfinder Pirating. Way Down the Monkey Isles
Pathfinder DnD. Level 3 ( 1 level Pirate, 2 levels as you wish) in a low-level setting. You'd play the crew of a tiny skiff plying dangerous tropical oceans, discovering ancient ruins and trekking through steaming forests. etc. I’d set the adventure in the Guild Adventurers pocket universe I created on these board recently, expanding the map to include a New World, jungle continent and plenty of islands. A lot of the adventure would take place off-ship, with the pirate-theme helping to focus character ideas.
Standard Adventurer races 'd be human, halfling and tiefling. More exotic island races might include lizardfolk , jungle-elf, aquatic elves and grippli. You'd be ex-pirates from a scurrilous City of Pirates, looking for booty in a world where piracy is beginning to fade as a profession. The City was once powerful and rich but is decaying and falling into the into control of slum gangs and necromancer factions.
If there’s interest, I’d like to move at pretty good rate of play, ideally with daily posting. I am happy to puppet busy characters and put holidaying players on hold, but we’d need a core group of regular players to make it viable.
Let me know if there’s any interest- but please also give me a concept and be willing to accept feedback on an idea.
Born to Pirate. Start at level 3, but all characters have 1 level in Pirate (the archetype variation of Rogue). Think of it as a bonus level rather than a restriction! It will provide opportunities for lots of skill-rich, interesting characters.
No armor rules. where characters get a parry bonus depending on their class.
Firearms are common, a martial weapon rather than exotic, and added to the Rogue (Pirate) class weapon list. Defence bonus will not affect touch AC for purposes of shooting.
Faster play. All monster natural armour is halved (round up, mind); your ACs will be modest owing to the parry rules used.
Party initiative.
Classes: most core classes and anything that ‘feels’ right. Not keen on (don’t want) clerics; most dedicated spell-casters like wizards/sorcerers can burn spell-slots for healing spells. I don’t want tricky characters (like gunslingers ) that require complex resource-tracking or complex rules judgements.
Theatre of mind play. No wiki unless the game takes off.
Players track their own hit points and gear including money. Post details like hps to help the GM.