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Xvyre (Zeye-VEER)

Race: Elf Class: Cleric 3 XP: 3000 Next XP: 6000 HP: 10 AC: 18 (Chain+Shield + DEX) Attack Bonus: +2 Base (+3 melee, +2 missile)

STR: 14 (+1 to hit & damage in melee) INT: 10 WIS: 16 (+2 to save vs certain magical effects, particularly those that affect willpower) DEX: 9 CON: 11 CHR 9

Racial Abilities: Darkvision 60' Detect secret doors 2 in 6 (1 in 6 on a cursory look) Immunity to ghoul paralysis Only surprised 1 in 6

Languages: Common, Elven

Saving Throws:

    • +2 to saves vs certain magical effects

Death Ray/Poison: 10 Magic Wands: 9 (modified) Paralysis/Petrification: 12 (modified) Dragon Breath: 15 Spells: 12 (modified)

Spells Prepared: (2) First - Cure Light Wounds x2 [1d6+1]

Turn undead: Skeleton (1HD) - 9 Zombie (2HD) - 13 Ghoul (3HD) - 17 Wight (4HD) - 19

Equipment: Chain Mail Shield Mace (1d8+1 dmg) Sling & Bullets (1d3 dmg, 30/60/90 rng) Holy Symbol Backpack Waterskin Rations, Dry (7 days) Sack, Lg (1) Sack, Sm (2)

Treasure: 14 GP

Three Facts About the World - Each month on the day and night of the full moon, elves refuse to travel or do any work, instead focusing on this time when the veil between worlds is at it's most transparent. They use this time to commune with the spirits beyond - either their own ancestors who've passed from this world, or with whatever unholy powers they might worship. - After the fall of the Thakari Empire, elven worship turned away from the cruel demons they once followed, in favor of equally fickle, if less cruel, fey spirits of the forests. Little did they know those fey beings were just the same demonic beings in another guise, unwilling to let their playthings go so easily. -