Mimond Ard
Mimond Ard, 3rd level Neutral Magic-user[edit]
Ability Scores[edit]
Str 12 Int 11 Wis 9 Dex 10 Con 10 Cha 5
- 1st level spells (cast 2/day): Read Magic, Sleep
- 2nd level spells (cast 1/day): Web
- AC 9
- HP 7
- Move 120' (40')
- Attacks dagger 1d4/1d4
- Spellbook
- Backpack
- 2 daggers
- 50' rope
- Scrollcase
- One week iron rations
- 5 flasks of oil
- tinderbox
- 3 small sacks
- Lantern
- tent, small
- quill
- 5 sheets of paper
- saddlebags
- pony, named Gertrude
7 gp