Orlaithe Hlervu

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High Concept[edit]

Dunmer Buoyant Armiger-Errant: As Vivec's personal Temple order, they embody his virtues through personal combat, chivalric courtesy, and subtle verse, knights-errant in friendly rivalry with the somber, rigid Ordinators. But Vivec also has a hidden nature, and so do the Armagers; in their zeal to hunt down necromancers and threats to Temple doctrine (specifically, the Sixth House), they must often make use of stealth and deception. Orlaithe is a dedicated, but not always confident, acolyte.

  • Invoke to emulate Vivec's combat prowess, poise, and subtlety
  • Compel to obligate aid to Temple worshippers in need or action against necromancers or Sixth House threats


Troubled by Dreams of Red Mountain: Dagoth Ur's corruption is troubling, but as the Sixth House has not infested her flesh, not irresistable. Still, it is hard to shake the imagery and voices and the doubts they instill. And, of course, she can never, ever tell her superiors.

  • Invoke to use an uncanny sense to discover the activities of the Sixth House nearby
  • Compel to make doubt of her calling and patron cause hesitation or delay, to miss details or opportunities due to mental exhaustion, to snap at people who it would be wise to deal with more calmly, to act paranoid about Sixth House influences everywhere.


Thieves' Guild Guttersnipe of St. Delyn Canton: A slender teen with nimble fingers and a natural talent at illusions is quite useful for heists in the tight spaces of the arcology-like cantons, and as a Dunmer she could also move freely in places Outlanders would stick out. Gentleman Jim - not yet the Guildmaster, but rising - saw lots of opportunity in her, and she might have

  • Permission for illusion magic*
  • Invoke when sneaking, breaking & entering, moving in disguise, and generally being underhanded, along with displaying roguish charm.
  • Compel to have trouble dealing with the Cammona Tong, to face a choice between duty and letting a thieves' guild operation progress, to have connections to her criminal past pop up needing help

*NPC Buoyant Armigers in Morrowind get Destruction in-class, but Illusion is on the Pilgrim skill list which a lot of Temple personnel draw from, and since she heavily favors Vivec's subtler side and has a Thieves' Guild background, it seems appropriate.


Responsible for Ruvayna: Having shown Ruvayna how to fight ash creatures and sort-of invited her into the eternal struggle against the Sixth House, Orlaithe is now in a way responsible for her during her time in Vvardenfell, particularly to make sure that she doesn't succumb to the corruption of the mind or body that Dagoth Ur's creations spread.

  • Invoke to help Ruvayna in battle or smooth the way for her in Vvardenfell society (mostly to help her overcome the Outlander prejudice so she can get her Diplomat on)
  • Compel to have to save Ruvayna's bacon, to get caught up in something she starts

Free Aspect[edit]

Big, Mixed-up Family: Clan Hlervu is mostly a lower-class family, but spread across Redoran and Telvanni territory. One of Orlaithe's cousins parlayed exceptional magical aptitude (and more than a little willingness to do underhanded work) into apprenticeship under a Telvanni noble and eventually joining their ranks, while there are family rumors of another cousin having heard the call of a Daedra and become his priestess. And, of course, one has become a Buoyant Armiger. Outside that, she has family connections in the Cammona Tong, in egg mines and farms across Vvardenfell, and even among the hunters of the grazelands.

  • Invoke when looking for a contact for some sort of favor or service, or for finding unexpectedly friendly receptions
  • Compel to get sucked into the problems of extended family.


  • +3: Quick
  • +2: Clever, Stealthy
  • +1: Flashy, Careful
  • +0: Forceful


  • Ghostfence Recon: Because Orlaithe is one of Vivec's subtle knights, she gets +2 to Stealthily Create an Advantage to enable an ambush or sneaky assault
  • Absence is the Best Defense: Because Orlaithe wears light armor to quiet her movements and uses small, quick weapons to fight, she gets +2 to Quickly Defend against close-in attacks by sidestepping or ducking away
  • Bend the Law to Defend It: Because of her experiences as a young thief, Orlaithe gets +2 to Cleverly Overcome an Obstacle through B&E skills.
  • Holy Shell Game: Because Orlaithe is adept at fighting with Illusion magic, she gets +2 to Cleverly Attack an opponent when illusion effects give her an advantage

Refresh [2]


Orlaithe was born in St. Delyn canton, middle child of three children. Her father, Eno, did 'odd jobs' - she would eventually learn for the Cammona Tong - and her mother swept homes in the Redoran quarter. Her elder brother Arvin eventually apprenticed in the glassworks, and her younger brother Tuls was spoiled ever since he started showing signs of budding magical talent; as what little she had lay in illusion, hers was... overlooked.

So, like the classic middle child, she acted out, and went wandering. All the way over to the Forbidden Quarter, often, to see the Outlanders that her father would so frequently work himself into a spitting rage describing. Crawling around in the canalworks and the waistworks there, she eventually chanced upon a Khajit thief - but rather than alert the Ordinator wandering around the corner, she conjured a little illusion to distract his attention. She stuck to him and kept coming back, and eventually the Thieves' Guild let her join.

While fleeing from Ordinators after a troubled heist on the glassworks, Orlaithe and her crew scrambled down to the underworks of her home canton to hide out. There, instead of safety, they encountered an Ash Ghoul spreading the infectious heresies of the Sixth House in Vivec's very city. To their credit, the crew shuffled their youngest member behind them; Little Jim (no relation) and Shifty-Eyed J'Rrho were confident they could take on one diseased creature anyway. Instead, it called upon hideous magic to wither them to ash, and somehow, despite its lack of eyes, Orlaithe could see it looking at her covetously. Her rescue by the Buoyant Armiger Nidara Helas - to whom she would later squire - came not a moment too soon; while it did not infect her with the Divine Disease, it did touch her mind briefly, and over the years she would begin to have troubling dreams that nibbled doubt at her unwavering faith.

After training under Nidara, Orlaithe was first posted to Molag Mar, where she grew more than a bit bored of just shuttling pilgrims back and forth, and asked for more dangerous tasks. When she didn't die in the process of slipping into a necromancer's lair and ending them, her commanders approved sending her off to hero around Vvardenfell in the name of Vivec, which she took to much better. It's expected that she'll either die in a messy or heroic fashion, or eventually come back weary of adventure and be command material herself.

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