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Your ability with trade and money.


Ability Intelligence
Action Very Slow
Armor Penalty None
Untrained Yes
Concentration Yes

Proficiency: Armor and Shield, Weapons, Gems, Painting, Jewelry, Sculpture, Vehicles

Check: You can appraise common or well-known objects with a DC 10 Appraise check. For pieces of art, or other item were the value is more subjective, the DC is 15. For antiques or items that the value comes from a specific history, the DC is 20.

If you are not proficient with the type of item you are appraising and you fail your check, you do not know the value of the item. If you are proficient and your appraisal failed, you know the purchase class of the item (Almost Free, Cheap, Average, Expensive, Pricey, Exorbitant, Luxurious).

A magnifying glass gives you a +2 circumstance bonus on Appraise checks involving any item that is small or highly detailed, such as a gem. A merchant's scale gives you a +2 circumstance bonus on Appraise checks involving any items that are valued by weight, including anything made of precious metals. These bonuses stack.

Total Failure: Your evaluation of the price of the item is way higher than the real price. Add half a purchase level per rank of total failure.

Try Again: No. You cannot try again on the same object, regardless of success.


Ability Intelligence
Action See below
Armor Penalty None
Untrained Yes
Concentration No

Proficiency: Cities

Description: You can find rare, exotic or illegal items that are hard to find in a city.

Check: You need to beat the DC of a rare item to be able to buy it.

Total Success: The item you have found is of higher quality than you expected for the same price as the base item.

Total Failure: You cannot retry to find that item for 1 day per rank of total failure.

Action: Time to find an object depends on the DC.

Scrounging DC Time
10 1 hour
15 2 hours
20 4 hours
25+ 8 hours

Try Again: Yes, but you suffer a cumulative -4 penalty on each retry.


Good Dealer

You know some places that sell items at a lower cost. You can add 10 to your Scrounging DC to find an item for 1 less purchase level.
Specialist: You know some places that sell items at a lower cost. You can add 5 to your Scrounging DC to find an item for 1 less purchase level.
Expert: You can increase the DC many times to reduce the purchase level by more than 1.


Ability Charisma
Action Very Slow
Armor Penalty None
Untrained Yes
Concentration No

Proficiency: Each type of item

Check: You can bargain the price of an item that you sell or buy. Make a Trading check against the seller Judgment. If you beat it, you can buy the item for half a purchase level less or sell it for half a purchase level more.

Total Success: For each total success, you can increase/decrease the purchase level by another half.

Total Failure: You pay half a purchase level more for the item or sell it for half a purchase level less.

Try Again: No. You cannot try again for the same transaction.