Kuran Redhanded
Kuran Redhanded NPC for the Wealth Of The World play by post game. He is a barbarian a mercenary warlord from the far north west. Currently operating in Khyber Pass and the mountains east of Kambu.
Sex: Male
Class: Warlord. At least 12th level.
Hair: Long and Black.
Eyes: Grim.
Skin: Tawny
Age: Perhaps 30 summers.
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 220 #
Distinct Features: Gigantic Melecoly and Gigantic Mirth
Wears: Chain mail over a tunic, with a fur cape.
Carries: A big ass sword in one hand, a big ass ax in the other, and a seriously bad attitude.
Loves: Wealth. Power. Women, particularly Bella The Black Has no time for the Gods or for Glory.
Hates: In conviencenes. You know, like PCs.
Has: Dozens of fanatical blood thirsty followers.
Wants: Kambu, Kush, and all the Kingdoms around them.
Fears: Nothing, really, save a woman' wraith or a demon's spite.
Allies: Three Deadly Women (who perversely like his style), Mithra Cultists, Kyhber pass tribes, secret traitors in the city and court.
Enemies: Prince Taktu, Black Baldwin, The PCs.
Responsible for: A Barbarian Horde. Brigadange, Piracy, Looting, Rapine, and Arson on a grand scale. Maybe even a Mountain of Skulls, one of these days.
Yeah, he's Conan.