Firefly: Leaf On The Wind - Doctor

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Name: Emilio Crawford

Physical: d6 Mental: d10 Social: d8

Distinctions Core Surgeon d8

You’ve studied at the best medical academy in the Core. No one is doing to die on your watch.

  • Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a d4 instead of a d8.

Dedicated Effort: Spend 1 PP to step up or double Focus for the duration of a Timed Action that relies on manual dexterity and endurance, such as an extended surgery. No Time for the Rules: When you throw caution to the wind and break the rules to try to keep a patient alive, gain 1 PP.

Ship’s Doctor d8

Sometimes it seems whoever came up with “First, do no harm” never had to deal with the people you have to deal with.

  • Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a d4 instead of a d8.

Experimental Procedure: If you replace your Operate or Treat Skill with a d4 for your next roll, gain a Big Damn Hero Die equal to that Skill’s normal die rating if your roll is successful.

  • Natural Healer: Spend 1 PP to step back another character’s medical or injury- based Complication.

Researcher d8

The scientific method isn’t just for the lab. It’s a way of life. Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a d4 instead of a d8.

  • Eureka!: When you fail a roll trying to gather information or collect data, spend 1 PP to gain a Big Damn Hero Die equal to your Know.

Hypothesize: Spend 1 PP to create an Asset based on your current hypothesis. Crew members who use the Asset can spend 1 PP to step it up after a successful Action, to a d10 maximum. If any Action with the Asset fails, remove it from play.

Skills Craft d6

Drive d4

Fight d4

Fix d6

Fly d6

Focus d6

Influence d8, High Society

Know d8, Medicine

Labor d4

Move d4

Notice d6,

Operate d8

Perform d4

Shoot d4

Sneak d4

Survive d4

Throw d4

Treat d12

Trick d4

Signature Assets Research notes d8 ( From his time as a medical researcher Emilio has extensive notes on treatments for different illnesses and injuries.) High-end cortex d8( When Emilio left his job as a researcher one of the only things he took with him that actually belonged to the company was a high end cortex unit)

Background Emilio was born the only child to an upper class family in the core worlds. His father was an engineer while his mother was a business owner.Both of his parents encouraged him to peruse an academic career and since he enjoyed helping people he decided that becoming a doctor was a perfect fit. His parents where elated and happily paid for him to go to the best University in the core worlds. While there Emilio study hard and often made top of his class. He even graduated early, taking a research position at a prestigious medical firm. While he hadn't developed hardly any social skills this changed as he was thrust into high society parties trying to get funding. However despite his growth in this regard he found it hard to find funding. While other researchers where willing to do whatever would be profitable he wanted to do what would help the most people. This difference in ideology would eventually cause Emilio to leave the company. Once he was on his own he started doing mostly free lance work for those in need, he would on occasion work for a higher profile client in order to make ends meet, but in general he was dedicated to helping the common man.

Description Emilio is 5'10" with an average build but a little on the skinny side. He has short black hair, tan skin, and brown eyes. He always wears a pair of thick black glasses and a well worn lab coat. He carries multiple pairs of gloves where ever he goes and often carries a small journal .