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Your aptitude to control yourself in ways other people can't do.


Ability Charisma
Action Short
Armor Penalty None
Untrained No
Concentration No

Description: When entering a rage, you choose how many segment the rage will last when entering the Rage. Your rage cannot last longer than 10 segments per rank in your rage skill. If they are no more enemies to fight, you must make a Spot check every round not to attack one of your allies. You may prematurely end your rage if you can make a rage check DC 20.

In a rage, you choose how many ranks to use for that particular rage rage. You do not need to use all your rage rank in a single rage. When all rage rank has been spent, you cannot rage for the remaining of the day. Rage ranks are fully restores after a good night of sleep. Using a rank of rage give you either a +1 bonus to Strength, a +1 bonus to Constitution (this may actually raised you Health skill giving you more hit points during the rage. These extra hit points are not lost first the way temporary hit points are) or other bonuses depending of feats.

While raging, you suffer a -2 penalty to your Defense. You cannot use any Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-based skills (except for Escape Artist, Intimidate, and Ride) or any other skill that raised defense or ask for concentration. You never catch your breath while raging making you tired faster than in normal combat. While in rage, you do not suffer any effect from fatigue or exhaustion.

Total Success: Your rage duration is doubled and you can exit you rage when you want without any check.

Total Failure: You need to make a Rage check to exit your frenzy at the end of the rage. The DC is 10 + rank of Total failure.


Controlled Rage[edit]

When you want to prematurely end your rage, the DC to exit rage is now 15.
Specialist: The DC to exit rage is now 10.
Expert: The DC to exit rage is now 5.
Master: You automatically exit the rage.

Damage Resistance[edit]

Your gain 1 point of damage resistance by using 3 ranks of Rage. This bonus stack with any other damage resistance bonus.
Specialist: Your gain 1 point of damage resistance by using 2 ranks of Rage.
Expert: Your gain 1 point of damage resistance by using 1 ranks of Rage.
Master: Your gain 2 points of damage resistance by using 1 ranks of Rage.

Defensive Rage[edit]

You do not suffer the -2 penalty to Defense by using 1 rank of Rage.

Destructive Rage[edit]

Requisite: Mighty Rage
While you are in rage or frenzy, you gain a +8 bonus on any strength checks make to break down doors or break inanimate, immobile objects by using 1 rank of rage.

Enduring Rage[edit]

Your bonuses to Constitution during your rage increase to +2 by using 1 rank of rage.
Specialist: Your Constitution bonus is +4.
Expert: Your Constitution bonus is +8.
Master: Your Constitution bonus is +16.

Fast Rage[edit]

While you are in rage, your attack action uses one less initiative category by using 4 ranks of rage.
Specialist: Cost 3 ranks of rage.
Expert: Cost 2 ranks of rage.
Master: Cost 1 ranks of rage.

Indomitable Will[edit]

While in a rage, you gain a +2 bonus on Will resistance by using 1 rank of rage.
Specialist: You gain a +4 bonus on Will.
Expert: You gain a +8 bonus on Will.
Master: You gain a +16 bonus on Will.

Intimidating Rage[edit]

While you are raging, you designate a single foe within 30 feet of you that you can attempt to demoralize as a immediate action (See Intimidate skill). You need to use 1 rank of rage per target of this feat.

Mighty Rage[edit]

Your bonuses to Strength during your rage increase to +2 by using 1 rank of rage.
Specialist: Your Strength bonus is +4.
Expert: Your Strength bonus is +8.
Master: Your Strength bonus is +16.

Tireless Rage[edit]

By spending 1 rank of rage, you can reduce your combat exhaustion level by one category when exiting rage making you less vulnerable at the end of your rage. As all rage feats, you must spend this rank at the beginning of the rage.