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This section describe all the rules to be use to resolve combat in the game.

  1. Combat Statistics
  2. Combat Sequence
  3. Combat Exhaustion
  4. Combat Modifiers
  5. Combat Maneuver
  6. Injuries and Death

Combat Modifiers[edit]

Size Modifier[edit]

Base Defense: Base defense value for a creature of this size.

Base Damage resistance: Base Damage resistance value for this creature size.

Attack Modifier: Modifier for all attack roll because of size.

Unarmed Damage: Damage done when fighting with bare hands. Damage are non-lethal.

Space: The number of square occupy by the creature.

Reach: The distance the creature can naturally strike an opponent in melee.

Size Defense Base DR Attack Modifier Unarmed Damage Space Reach
Fine 18 0 +8 0 1/8 0
Diminutive 14 0 +4 0 ¼ 0
Tiny 12 0 +2 1 ½ 0
Small 11 0 +1 1d2 1 1
Medium 10 0 0 1d3 1 1
Large 9 1 -1 1d4 2 2
Huge 8 2 -2 1d6 3 3
Gigantic 6 4 -4 1d8 4 4
Colossal 2 8 -8 1d10 6 6

Range increment[edit]

With a ranged weapon, you can shoot or throw at any target without penalty when in the first range increment. For each additional range increment you have a cumulative -2 range penalty.

Shooting or Throwing into a Melee[edit]

If you shoot or throw a ranged weapon at a target engaged in melee with a friendly character, you take a –4 penalty on your attack roll. Two characters are engaged in melee if they are enemies of each other and either threatens the other. (An unconscious or otherwise immobilized character is not considered engaged unless he is actually being attacked.) If your target (or the part of your target you’re aiming at, if it’s a big target) is at least 10 feet away from the nearest friendly character, you can avoid the –4 penalty, even if the creature you’re aiming at is engaged in melee with a friendly character.


Cover provides a bonus to Defense. The more cover a character has, the bigger the bonus. In a melee, if a character has cover against an opponent, that opponent probably has cover against the character, too. With ranged weapons, however, it’s easy to have better cover than the opponent.

Degree of Cover[edit]

Cover is assessed in subjective measurements of how much protection it offers. The GM determines the value of cover. This measure is not a strict mathematical calculation, because a character gains more value from covering the parts of his or her body that are more likely to be struck. If the bottom half of a character’s body is covered, that only gives one-quarter cover, because most vital areas are still fully exposed. If one side or the other of a character’s body is covered, the character gets one-half cover.

One-tenth: Mostly provided by shields.

One-quarter: Standing behind a 3-ft. high wall. Behind a creature of smaller size

One-half: Fighting from around a corner or a tree. Standing at an open window. Behind a creature of same size.

Three-quarters: Peering around a corner or a big tree. Behind a creature of bigger size.

Nine-tenths: Standing at an arrow slit. Behind a door that’s slightly ajar.

Total: On the other side of a solid wall. It is normally impossible to target someone with total cover unless you find a way to avoid the cover like shooting through a door hoping to hit the person behind or shoot high in the sky with a bow so that the arrow will end on the other side of a wall. Doing so incurs listed penalty, otherwise simply rules the attack as impossible.

Defense Modifier: Cover gives the Defense bonuses for different degrees of cover. Add the relevant number to the character’s Defense. Cover bonus are not cumulative.

Area Defense Modifier: Cover gives the a different Defense bonus against area attack. This bonus only applies to attacks that originate or burst out from a point on the other side of the cover.

Hide Modifier: You need cover to hide and the more you have, the easier it is to hide.

Degree of Cover Defense Area Defense Hide
One-tenth +1 0 -8
One-quarter +2 +1 -4
One-half +4 +2 0
Three-quarters +8 +4 +4
Nine-tenths +16 +8 1 +8
Total +32 +16 1 +16

1 Half damage if attack is successful; no damage if the attack is a failure.

Striking the Cover Instead of a Missed Target[edit]

If it ever becomes important to know whether the cover was actually struck by an incoming attack that misses the intended target, the GM should determine if the attack roll would have hit the protected target without the cover. If the attack roll falls within a range low enough to miss the target with cover but high enough to strike the target if there had been no cover, the object used for cover was struck. This can be particularly important to know in cases when a character uses another character as cover. In such a case, if the cover is struck and the attack roll exceeds the Defense of the covering character, the covering character takes the damage intended for the target. If the covering character has a Dexterity bonus to Defense or a dodge bonus, and this bonus keeps the covering character from being hit, then the original target is hit instead. The covering character has dodged out of the way and didn’t provide cover after all. A covering character can choose not to apply his or her Dexterity bonus to Defense and/or his or her dodge bonus, if the character so desires.


Concealment includes all circumstances in which nothing physically blocks a blow or shot, but something interferes with an attacker’s accuracy.

Degree of Concealment[edit]

Concealment is subjectively measured as to how well concealed the defender is. Examples of what might qualify as concealment of various degrees are given below. Concealment always depends on the point of view of the attacker.

One-tenth: Watery eyes.

One-quarter: Light fog, light foliage.

One-half: Shadows, dense fog at 5 ft.

Three-quarters: Dense foliage.

Nine-tenths: Near total darkness.

Total: Attacker blind, total darkness, smoke grenade, dense fog at 10 ft.

Skill Penalty: If you suffer concealment penalty because your vision is not good enough you also received penalty to your action that require vision : most skill that required Strength or Dexterity. When you try to attack an opponent with Concealment, you suffer a concealment penalty to your attack roll. Concealment penalties are not cumulative.

Concealment Hide Bonus: You need concealment to hide and the more you have, the easier it is to hide.

Movement penalty: If you suffer concealment penalty because your vision is not good enough, your movement is also hindered. Lost of vision for movement is less dramatic than other activity because you can use your other sense to detect your environment. Your movement penalty is less drastic than for other skill.

Concealment Skill Penalty Hide Modifier Move Penalty
One-tenth -1 -8 0
One-quarter -2 -4 -1
One-half -4 0 -2
Three-quarters -8 +4 -4
Nine-tenths -16 +8 -6
Total -32 +16 -8

Concealment in combat[edit]

Reduce efficiency: Unlike cover, concealment is less efficient when someone is able to hit you. For each attack that successfully hit you, you lose one degree of concealment because opponents know exactly where you are. The same thing happen when you strike successfully an opponent, you tell your position reducing your concealment. If you move to a different location, you regain automatically your original concealment.

Vision and concealment[edit]

Blindness and Invisibility: If the skill penalty from a Concealment is higher than your passive Spot resistance, your are actually considered blinded or your target is considered invisible. In both case you are considered as No Defense agaisnt him.


When making a melee attack, you get a +2 flanking bonus if your opponent is threatened by a character or creature friendly to you on the opponent’s opposite border or opposite corner. When in doubt about whether two friendly characters flank an opponent in the middle, trace an imaginary line between the two friendly characters’ centers. If the line passes through opposite borders of the opponent’s space (including corners of those borders), then the opponent is flanked. Exception: If a flanker takes up more than 1 square, it gets the flanking bonus if any square it occupies counts for flanking. Only a creature or character that threatens the defender can help an attacker get a flanking bonus. Creatures with a reach of 0 feet can’t flank an opponent.

Helpless Defenders[edit]

A helpless opponent is someone who is bound, sleeping, paralyzed, unconscious, or otherwise at your mercy. Regular Attack: A helpless defender can’t use any Dexterity bonus to Defense. In fact, his Dexterity score is treated as if it were 0 and his Dexterity modifier to Defense as if it had –5 penalty. When striking an helpless opponent, damage are always taken directly from his Constitution whatever it has hit points left or not.

Favorable and Unfavorable Conditions[edit]

Generally speaking, any situational modifier created by the attacker’s position or tactics applies to the attack roll, while any situational modifier created by the defender’s position, state, or tactics applies to the defender’s Defense.

Defense Modifiers Circumstance Melee Ranged Status
Defender sitting or kneeling –2 +2
Defender prone –4 +4
Defender stunned or cowering –2 –2 No Defense
Defender climbing –2 –2 No Defense
Defender flat-footed 0 0 No Defense
Defender running 0 +2 No Defense
Defender grappling (attacker not) 0 0 No Defense
Defender pinned –4 0 No Defense
Defender helpless (such as paralyzed, sleeping, or bound) 0 0 No Defense

Attack Roll Modifiers Circumstance Melee Ranged
Attacker flanking defender +2
Attacker on higher ground +1 +0
Attacker prone –4 –2
Attacker invisible 2 2