Tristan Cimmeron
Tristan Cimmeron
Ability Scores
Str 8 [-1]
Dex 13 [+1]
Con 13 [+1]
Int 20 [+5]
Wis 13 [+1]
Cha 10 [+0]
Vital Stats
HP 42
AC 15 in Light
PD 15
MD 17
Initiative +5
Recoveries 8
Recovery Dice (1d6 x 4) +1
Valedictorian of the Magical Colleges +4
Child of Trade Royalty +2
Drakkenhall Upbringing +2
The Archmage 1 (Positive)
The Lich King 1 (Negative)
The Three 1 (Conflicted)
Cantrip Mastery (Adventurer)
You can use cantrip-style versions of any wizard spell you have memorized. When you expend a spell, however, you can’t make cantrip-style use of it any more.
Linguist (Adventurer)
If your campaign cares about languages, this is the feat you take to speak enough arcana, dwarven, elven, gnomish, gnoll, goblin, orcish, and other standard humanoid languages to comprehend enough of what most other humanoids are saying or screaming during battle. You are probably not fluent in all these languages, no one will mistake you for a native speaker, and your vocabulary is probably adventurer-centric, heavy on words connected to danger rather than philosophy or emotions. You can also read enough to get by in all these languages.
Precise Shot (Adventurer)
When your ranged attack targets an enemy who is engaged with an ally, you have no chance of hitting that ally.
Utility Spell (Adventurer)
Each utility spell you take lets you cast two spells from the available options instead of one.
Enchanted Robes (Light Armor)
25 gp