Cyllian:Godbound Character Creation
Read the Setting Background Primer first.
You are someone who has been infused with some form of divinity. You were human. Now your are a demigod or at least a proto-god. The following will lead you through character creation for the campaign.
Character Generation
- Name your hero.
- Create your own character sheet using the template under Characters.
- Assign attributes using the array 16, 14, 13, 13, 10, 8
- Record modifiers for each attribute -3 for 3, -2 for 4-5, -1 for 6-8, 0 for 9-12, +1 for 13-15, +2 for 16-17, +3 for 18
- Record attribute checks as 21 - attribute for each attribute
- Decide three facts for your hero: Background, Profession, Relationship.
- Pick three Words for your divine powers from the rules. (These Words are the Runes described in the background.)
- Record the special abilities your character gains from their Words.
- Spend six points picking divine gifts. Lesser gifts cost 1 point each from your Words, or cost 2 points from other Words. Greater gifts may not be selected at character creation.
- Record your saving throws. Each is 15 plus attribute modifier: Strength or Constitution for Hardiness, Dexterity or Intelligence for Evasion, and Wisdom or Charisma for Spirit.
- Choose weapons for your character and record them. Record the attribute modifier to-hit and damage.
- AC: <Armor AC> - <Dex modifier>. Record saving throw penalties for medium or heavy armor.
- HP: 8 + Con modifier
- Effort: 2
- Wealth: 0
- Experience: 0
- Dominion: 0
- Influence: 2
- Record your character's current goal.