TSM:Non-Canon Spells
Detailed here are spells used by characters in The Shattered Mirror that do not appear in canonical Harry Potter sources.
Bat-Summoning Spell
Incantation: Nyctalus Noctula
Creator: Unknown
This spell summons a large swarm of bats in order to harass an opponent.
Bloodhound Charm
Incantation: Where dat boy/girl dun get to?
Creator: Montrose La Croix
Part ritual, part spell. This charm produces a spectral bloodhound for the purposes of tracking down an intended target. Note: This charm requires the use of a personal possession belonging to the subject being tracked.
Breeze-Making Spell
Incantation: Ventus
Creator: Unknown
This spell creates a forceful blast of air from the end of the wand.
Fog-Summoning Spell
Incantation: Nimbosum Obscurus
Creator: Unknown
This spell creates patches of dense, pea soup fog which can be combined to blanket entire areas.
Ghost-Transformation Spell
Incantation: Espirityèl
Creator: Unknown
This is a dark spell, first used by the Vodouisants of Haiti, temporarily renders the caster incorporeal by infusing their body with ectoplasmic energies, thus drawing them partially into the spirit realm.