Amira Jumishat

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Personal Details: Name: Amira Jumishat Age: 23 Birthplace: The Eye Homeworld: Absalom Station Height: 5’5.7” (167cm) Weight: 115.5lbs (52.5kg) Hair: Long and wavy, purple w/ light violet and indigo accents Eyes: Purple w/ blue flecks Skin: Mocha Distinguishing Features: Luminescent tattoo of a constellation on her left cheek. Hand: Right Languages Spoken: Common, Castrovelian/Lashunta, Vercite Alignment: Neutral Good

Background: Born as the only daughter of a nouveau-rich industrialist and a self-made designer, Amira did not grow up wanting for anything. Her father spent a lot of time away from home, so she spent more time with her mother, who made time for her even with her own workload. From her mother she learned respect, politeness, and decorum, basically everything a little girl needs to become a perfect lady. She also learned her mother’s work ethic, basically a few skills in dealing with people and how to be an honest, hard-working individual. Among her favorite pastimes was singing her favorite songs with her mother, showing the little girl had surprising talent for it.

However, when she was 14, her mother tragically died in an accident. Her father tried to make more time for her, but obligations caused them to drift apart once more, and while she still had a caring and supportive grandfather, he couldn’t bond with the girl the way her mother had. Surrounding her with servants and maids was a temporary respite, and the poor girl found herself feeling alone, something she found unpleasant and unbearable. She soon found expression in a talent show at her private school, and her singing ability quickly became the talk of the student body. Encouraged by this, Amira started singing and performing in whatever venues she could, before auditioning in front of a talent agency. That set her on the path to stardom, and despite initial opposition of her father and grandfather, she quickly started making a name for herself as a rising idol.

One sombre incident early in her early career was when she remembered a young idol from her own past, and wondered whatever happened to her. After some research, she found out the girl, who had not made it far into her career, suffered multiple problems throughout her short career, followed by committing suicide, and she soon was all but forgotten. The idea of someone being forgotten to time after their death scared the young idol, and she swore to work as hard as she can to prove, both to herself and to everyone else, that Amira is not yet another replaceable pretty face, and she’s determined to leave her mark upon the universe.

Amira was always a strong movie buff, even as a child, and she’s managed to collect (and watch) a sizable collection of holovids and grand space opera tales. She analyzes the characters, imitates their actions and styles of speech, and tries to use that to improve her own singing and acting abilities. Learning from the greats has improved her acting and performance skills, but sometimes it helps her form unrealistic expectations of the world outside her little bubble.

Family & Relationships: Amira has one surviving father, Walid Jumishat, and her paternal grandfather, Raed Jumishat, is still alive, though given their work schedules they’ve drifted somewhat apart. Despite this, their relationship remains cordial, and they still love each other. Amira’s maternal grandparents are still alive, but have moved to the Diaspora after their daughter’s death. Amira used to have a Lashunta nanny/babysitter, but the old girl had to return home for personal reasons shortly before Amira’s mother tragic accident.

Amira’s mother, Zumurrud Jumishat (neé Khushal) was the strongest influence on her daughter’s life, and constantly tried to make time for her daughter. She had initially been regarded suspiciously by Walid, her would-be father-in-law, but her warmth, honesty, hard work and ladylike manners soon won him over. Despite this, she still faced problems with higher society within The Eye, regarded as a commoner and potential gold-digger, something which still angers Amira to this day. Any insults aimed at the late Zumurrud are sure to incite a sharp response from Amira.

Amira managed to create a circle of friends at school, but as time passed and she grew more and more busy with her career, she grew more and more isolated from them. They are still ‘friends’, but rarely talk to each other after graduation.

Of her entourage and support crew, Amira is on good terms with them all, and has formed good relations with them. Her manager is helpful and tries to help his career - and with it, his own. Amira’s relationships with other idols is more mixed; while she has formed some decent friendships with some, she has failed to connect with some others, and with yet others she finds herself finding bitter rivals and underhanded adversaries.

Personality: Amira is a proper young girl of good breeding and upbringing, though she can come off as something of a large ham and can be overly dramatic at times. She develops certain quirks that come as part of being a star, mostly a combination of boredom, trying to adapt to work stress, finding what is comfortable, and probably more than a bit of abusing whatever privileges one can get away with. One such example is her dislike of green candy and certain brands of sour candy (tied to a particularly unpleasant childhood memory involving ‘surprise flavors’ jelly beans).

Her ladylike behavior is somewhere between genuine and exaggerated. She is indeed courteous and polite under the idol facade, and once one manages to get past her prima donna behavior, she can be very helpful. She is very nice and polite to the fans, eager to give out signatures and moral support when she can. If she feels she can do a better job helping others with something, she can be counted on to pull through and be supportive and a good friend.

Deep inside, though, Amira is a lonely little girl, having lost her one close parent and straining her old friendships with her work, leaving her isolated from the outside world. As such, her idol career is mostly meant as a way to force a bond with others, to feel she has made an impact on people’s lives and finding emotional fulfillment in her performances.

Eventually, Amira is going to have to learn to find ways to form friendships despite the strains and stresses of work, and while she will continue to perform for emotional fulfillment, it should develop to be a healthier reason to perform, but will continue to perform because she finds it fun, fulfilling, and because she’s good at it, and because there are many who also find emotional satisfaction and deep enjoyment out of her music.


  • RACE: Human
  • GENDER: Female
  • CLASS/LEVEL: Envoy/1
  • THEME: Icon
  • SIZE: Medium
  • SPEED: 30ft.
  • ALIGNMENT:Neutral Good
  • DEITY:
  • HOMEWORLD: Absalom Station
  • LANGUAGES: Common, Castrovelian/Lashunta, Vercite


  • HIT POINTS: 10


  • STR: 10
  • DEX: 10
  • CON: 11
  • INT: 14
  • WIS: 10
  • CHA: 18

  • FOR:
  • REF:
  • WIL:




  • Acrobatics +1
  • Athletics +0
  • Bluff Charisma +5
  • Computer +4
  • Culture +4
  • Diplomacy +5
  • Disguise +5
  • Engineering +2
  • Intimidate +5
  • Life Science +2
  • Medicine +3
  • Mysticism +0
  • Perception +1
  • Physical Science +2
  • Piloting +1
  • Profession (Idol) +6
  • Sense Motive +1
  • Sleight of Hand +0
  • Stealth +0
  • Survival +0


  • Diversion
  • Great Fortitude



  • CARRYING CAPACITY:5/(6-10 Encumbered)