Luna Salvia
- Background: The Wastelands, nomadic tribe of traders.
- Profession: Salesman and trader.
- Relationship: The Chemist Guild.
- Strength 8 -1
- Dexterity 10 +0
- Constitution 13 +1
- Intelligence 14 +1
- Wisdom 13 +1
- Charisma 16 +2
Skill Rolls
- Strength 13
- Dexterity 11
- Constitution 8
- Intelligence 7
- Wisdom 8
- Charisma 5
Saving Throws
- Hardiness: 14
- Evasion: 14
- Spirit: 13
- Effort: 2
- Influence: 2
- Dominion: 2
- AC: 6
- HP: 9
- Armor: Light
- Weapon: 2 hand weapons (+1, 1d10+0, melee); Fire (+1, 1d10+0, magic, 50 ft).
Words and Gifts
- Death- Can command undead and sense the facts of the dead and dying within 100 feet.
- Withholding the Mercy
- Mantle of Quietus
- Fire- Invulnerable to flame, can throw fire.
- Nimbus of Flame
- Consuming Gaze
- Night- See in the dark, no sleep, can't accidentally wake the sleeping.
- Damn Their Eyes
- A Road of Shadows