Goldfire (Unka Josh)

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Amy Thalberg, Goldfire, Born Princess of Dragonkind

Abilities [54][edit]

Str 0/12 Sta 10 Fgt 0 Agl 5 Dex 0 Int 0 Awa 9 Pre 3

Defenses [6][edit]

Parry 5/5 Dodge 0/5 Tou */+15 Fort 0/+10 Wil 1/+10

Skills [21][edit]

Acrobatics 1 (+6) Athletics 2 (+14) Close Combat (Unarmed) 10 (+10) Expertise (Dragon Lore) 4 (+4) Expertise (Current Events) 2 (+2) Intimidation 8 (+11) Perception 4 (+13) Persuasion 8 (+11) Treatment 1 (+1)

Advantages [13][edit]

Luck 3 Attractive 1 Equipment 1 (Smartphone, Comlink, Computer, Multi-Tool) Improved Critical (Unarmed) 3 Language: Draconic Interpose Benefit 1: Wealthy Base Contribution 1 Move-By Action 1

Powers [58][edit]

Draconic Form: Protection 5, Flight 9 (Winged), Immunity 8 (Disease, Poison, Age, Fire damage) [22]

Draconic Senses: Senses 8 (Vision Counters All Concealment, Vision Counters Illusion, Extended Sight 1) [8]

Draconic Might: Enhanced Str 12 [24]

  • Alternate Effect: Fire Breath (Damage 12, Cone Area) [1]
  • Alternate Effect: Heart's Fire (Damage 15, Line Area 2, Secondary Effect, Tiring, Side Effect (Always hits, DC 30 Fort save, Impaired/Disabled/Incapacitated, Cumulative), Affects Insubstantial 2, Incurable, Dimensional 3) [1]
  • Alternate Effect: Fire-Eating (Nullify Fire 12, Close, Cone Area, Simultaneous) [1]
  • Alternate Effect: Royal Command (Affliction 18 (Will-Based, Fascinated/Compelled/Controlled), Progressive, Perception Area (Hearing), Distracting, Tiring, Only Works On Dragons) [1]


Motivation: Responsibility (As Princess of Dragons, Amy feels that she needs to use her vast powers for good)

Enemy: The Cobalt Wyrms, horrified at a part-human challenger to their power, want Amy dead, dead, dead, and will strike at her, often indirectly, whenever they can

Identity: Amy gave up on keeping a secret identity a while ago. The wings kind of make that hard, anyway.

Honor: Amy is an idealist, and won't take unfair advantage of opponents, break her word, or lie about anything important. This makes her very reluctant to use Royal Command except in the most extreme emergencies. (Protecting her own life is not reason enough.)


Amy Thalberg was born following the mysterious departure and subsequent return of her mother from her family home; her birth was regarded as something of a scandal. (No father, and her skin is much darker than that of her Germanic family.) When she was very young, a truck crashed into her home, releasing toxic chemicals and starting the fire that wiped out her family. At the time, no one recognized a subtle attempt by the Cobalt Wyrms (A ruthless faction of the dragons of her true homeworld who fear the loss of power that the presence of the Dragon Heir would bring to them) to kill her, nor did anyone understand why neither fire nor toxic chemicals harmed her. She was instead taken in by her grandfather, who attempted to raise her to be an idealistic and cheerful young woman.

On her 16th birthday, she was kidnapped by forces from the Land of Dragons, and drawn into the politics and warfare of that dangerous land. Her powers began to awaken when Dragonfire washed over her, and she learned of her true nature-- the last Dragon Heir, the Princess of Dragonkind. But the factions of that land were warring, devastating the land, threatening those who Amy had befriended, and she ultimately used her power of Royal Command to end the war that had plagued the land. However, ashamed that she had used such a method to end the war, she abdicated her throne, and returned to the human world.

Her power hasn't left her, though, and she now feels that it is her duty to help protect the world from the many dangers that it faces. The Cobalt Wyrms, however, have never forgiven her, and still want her dead. If that takes pouring dragon gold into Hydra's pockets to let them defeat her, so be it