Brahnamin's Characters - Jaala

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Jaala :: Exile[edit]

"Between what is and what is not, the gods whisper."[edit]

Jaala Katayev[edit]

Born to Russian immigrants in early 1920s New York, Jaala developed a knack for 'disappearing' as a child - a knack that followed her into her adult years. But the places she disappeared to were not of this world and did not move with the time of this world.

Now, nearly 100 years later, her family long passed into memory while she remains a very young woman as folk reckon such things, Jaala feels more like a tourist in the world that gave her birth. Making her way as a 'retriever' of artifacts, she lives on the edge of the magical community, honing her skills and growing her legacy.

Reputation is everything to Jaala, an island of permanence in an ever changing sea.


Regular: [_] [_] [_] [_] [_] [_]

Wizardry: [_] [_] [_] [_] [_] [_]


  • Good +2: Cunning
  • Fair +1: Intellect, Force
  • Average +0: Focus, Agility
  • Mediocre -1: Poise


  • Martial Arts [Hard]
    • Holds [Specialization]
  • Breaking and Entering [Hard]
    • Locks [Specialization]
  • Surveillance [Hard]
    • Tailing [Specialization]

Mantle [Exile][edit]

Summary of Traits: 1 Paragon, 1 Minor, More Different x2 [Minor]

Wizardry [Dreamlands]: Choose a type of magic that fits a specific archetype, you can use that magic at the highest level. Mark one box of stress and add +3 scale and +3 dice to an action when you use wizardry.

  • Special Stress [Wizardry][Minor x3]: [_] [_] [_] [_] [_] [_]

The Sight: You see things from our world as they are, but you can also see through the simple glamours or disguises put up by Outsiders and you can tell when another world is intruding into our own in a thin place. You cannot turn this ability off, even though you might want to.

Wanderer of the Ways: You can go through any hole in reality with ease and take others with you.

Stranger In Your Native Land: Earth is no longer your home. Others view you with The Sight, as they would an outsider and people from earth are no longer considered to be of the same class and culture as you.

Foreign Custom: You have picked up one of the limitations or special conditions that is associated with another world. You also interact with natives of that world as if you were of the same culture.

  • Trespasser: When you enter somewhere uninvited or where you are unwelcome, you are at -1 scale.


  • M1911A Colt 45
  • Fixed Blade Buck Skinning Knife
  • 1943 Indian Scout Motorcycle
  • PAYG Burner Phone