Hope City Heroes: Jayde Spyder
Nori Grace :: Jayde Spyder
Martial Art Princess with an Armor Suit
Heroine Complex
Free Aspect
Free Aspect
Empathy, Provoke, Rapport, Resources
Wall Crawling
Wall Kick
Super Agility
Super Toughness
Power Theme
Special Effects
Forced Movement
Area Attack
You can get a finger hold on even the tiniest, most insignificant nooks and crannies of a wall, but you Can’t Climb Perfectly Smooth Surfaces.
Collateral Damage Effects
Unrestrained 'Muscle' Power. In dire straits, she can unlock the constraints she built into the 'muscles' of the suit, but doing so means that every movement will damage things around her.
Stress, Consequences, and Refresh
Stress Track, Physical
Stress Track, Mental
Personal Details
Jayde Spyder is a smallish woman in a Jade green bodysuit covered with darker green panels. From some of those panels extend insectile looking 'arms' (four of them, to be precise) which she mostly uses as legs to aid her movement. Her face is covered with a helmet that has similarly 'bug-like' features. (She's never really studied how spiders look up close, and doesn't really want to.)
Nori is Japanese-American - her mother is Japanese, her father American. She takes more after her mother, though, with long straight black hair and dark eyes. She works, mostly, at her family's dojo, so is most often found in a gi, but when not teaching, prefers poofy blouses and ankle-length skirts and boots with 3"+ heels.
Nori comes from a family that wants to be Martial Arts Royalty. She's been training in various forms of the arts since she could stand up unaided. Despite that - or maybe because of her family's intense focus - she's been as interested (if not more) in engineering and science. (More the engineering side, if she's honest.)
She's a damn good karateka, but she knows full well that with beings able to fly and toss around firebolts or worse, skill will only go so far. She's not particularly interested in building up her family's name, though - instead, she wants to do what the heroes of the movies do, or the books she'd read as a kid. She wants to defend, to make things right.
With that motivation and her family's skills, she knows she could make small impact. With her engineering skills, though, she can increase that. She built a suit of armor - mostly for protection, but with a couple of extra limb like projections that she could use for effects such as moving along walls like a spider. With a coating of green lacquer and a web insignia, Jayde Spyder was born.