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You practice a specific task, whether using holovid training materials, running through a computer simulation, or simply repeating a key motion hundreds of times, until it's execution becomes muscle memory.

Activity: Choose a single task of a specific skill that takes one minute or less. If you are on your Starships, you can instead choose a non-Gunner starship crew action that doesn't require a Resolve point. You spend the day practicing the chosen task or crew action. At the end of the day, attempt a skill check appropriate to the chosen task or crew action - if you choose the overpower crew action, for example, you'd attempt and Engineering check. If you drill a task, the DC for this check is equal to 15 + 1 1/2 x your character level. If you drill a crew action, the DC is equal to 15 + 1 1/2 x your your starship tier. You can't take 20 on this check.