Overview of the Vale
The Vale
Languages of the Vale
Common | All | Halfling | 1 |
Draconic | Kobolds, wizards | Runic | 2 |
Gnomish | Gnomes | Halfling | |
Goblin | Goblins | Halfling | |
Druidic | Druids | Runic | 3 |
Elvish | Elves | Elvish | |
Min | Horned Folk | Runic | 4 |
The Old Tongue | Scholars | Halfling | 5 |
Orcish | Orcs | Special | 6 |
Sylvan | Elves, fey | Elvish | |
Trade Tongue | Traders | Halfling | 7 |
- The Common Tongue of the Vale is the halfling language; it has become so widespread that the other races use it as a matter of convenience.
- Draconic is traditionally the language of magic, and most arcane tomes and scrolls use this language. Wizards and sorcerers usually speak it.
- Druidic is a secret tongue known only to those who follow the druidic religion and a very few others.
- Min is the language of the Horned Ones who dwell in the Dawnforge Mountains.
- The Old Tongue is the ancestral halfling language, and is very formal and stilted compared to the modern Common tongue. It is primarily a language of scholars and is used in certain formal documents.
- Orcish is a very primitive language spoken by the orcs. It has no true alphabet, but a collection of pictographs are used by the orcs to convey basic concepts, such as “shelter” and “danger.”
- The Trade Tongue is less a true language and more a sort of jargon, primarily Common but incorporating words from Gnomish and Goblin as well. It is spoken by traders and merchants, and is popularly used by thieves as well.