Sophia Allman

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Revision as of 19:03, 15 April 2020 by Daxian (talk | contribs) (Weapons)
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Agent Name: Sophia Allman
Code Name:
Profession: Intelligence Case Officer
Nationality: American
Sex (Age): Female (31)
Education: High School, Howard University, CIA Training


Score x5 What Others Notice
Strength 9 45
Constitution 9 45
Dexterity 9 45
Intelligence 14 70 Intuitive
Power 14 70 Steadfast
Charisma 11 55

Derived Attributes[edit]

Current Maximum
Hit Points (HP) 9 9
Willpower (WP) 14 14
Sanity (SAN) 65 70
Breaking Point (BP) 56 56

Incidents of SAN loss without going insane[edit]

Violence O O O adapted
Helplessness O O O adapted


Marcus Allman, my father 11
Francesca Sandoval, my co-worker 11

Motivations and Mental Disorders[edit]


Total Total Total
Accounting (10%) 30 First Aid (10%) 30 Science (0%)
Alertness (20%) 50 Forensics (0%) Search (20%) 40
Anthropology (0%) Heavy Weapons (0%) SIGINT (0%) 50
Archeology (0%) History (10%) Stealth (10%) 70
Art (0%): HUMINT (10%) 70 Surgery (0%)
Artillery (0%) Law (0%) Survival (10%)
Athletics (30%) 50 Medicine (0%) Swim (20%)
Bureaucracy (10%) 50 Melee Weapons (30%) Unarmed Combat (40%) 50
Computer Science (0%) Military Science (Land) (0%): Unnatural (0%)
Craft (0%) Foreign Language (Russian)(0%) 50 Foreign Language (Mandarin)(0%) 40
Criminology (10%) 50 Navigate (10%) Carousing 55
Demolitions (0%) Occult (10%) 20
Disguise (10%) 60 Persuade (20%) 80
Dodge (30%) 50 Pharmacy (0%)
Drive Auto (20%) 40 Pilot (0%):
Drive Heavy Machine (10%) Psychotherapy (10%)
Firearms (20%) 60 Ride (10%)

Physical Injuries and Ailments[edit]

Has First Aid been attempted since your last injury? If yes, only Medicine, Surgery, or long-term rest can help further

Armor and Equipment[edit]

Body armor reduces the damage of all attacks except Called Shots and successful Kill Damage.


Skill % Base Range Damage Armor Piercing Kill Damage Kill Radius Shots
Colt M1911A1 60 15m 1d10 N/A N/A N/A 15
Bauer .25 ACP 60 10m 1d8 N/A N/A N/A 7
Knife 30 N/A 1d4 3 N/A N/A N/A

Personal Details, Work Performance, Special Training and Other Notes[edit]