Bowie's pack had been rescued years before by the Captain. The Captain his Glitter Boy--Mercury--protected the pack, and the pack let Captain know if something was sneaking up on them. Over the years, the pack was lost, with only Bowie remaining. Even the Captain got too old for this. Before he retired, he handed Bowie the keys and told him he was a good boy. Bowie's going to make damn sure the rest of the world knows it too.
Appearance: Bowie is a dogboy, specifically bred from a chocolate lab. One eye is pale blue, the other brown, and his fur is a rich brown color. He BOWIE, GLITTERDOG Notes: So GLitter boys get a bonus to social interaction and dog boys get a negative social interaction bonus. We can either have those apply as is or just ignore them. Whatever’s easiest.
Attributes: Agility d10 Smarts d6 Spirit d6 Strength d8 Vigor d8
- athletics: d4
- Common Knowledge: d4
- Notice: d8
- Persuasion: d4
Electronics: d6 Pilot: d6 Fighting d10, Battle: d6 Repair: d6 Shooting: d10 Stealth: d4 Survival: d4
Cha: −2; Pace: 10; Parry: 7; Toughness: 30 (24)
Hindrances: Enemy (Major—TBD), Hard of Hearing, Heroic, Outsider, Wanted (Minor—Coalition)
Edges: Breed Advantage (Strong Breed), Danger Sense, Marksman, Power Armor Jock
DOG BOY MECHANICS Bite: Str+d6 Senses: Smell: +2, Tracking +2, Hearing: +2, low light (ignore dim and dark), Pyschic sense: notice or tracking, +2. This does not work near ley lines.
Minor Wanted by the Coalition Hindrence -1 to healing checks due to unique physiology
Wilk’s 227 Pulse Laser Pistol (Range 18/36/72, Damage: 3d6, RoF 2, AP 2),
2 extra clips/belts each firearm, Vibroknife: Mark II EBA:
NG-S2 Survival Pack, Tool Kit: 1300 credits. Cybernetics: Cyber-Wired Reflexes.
GLITTER BOY USA G-10: Size 3 (Normal), +25 MDC Armor, +10 Toughness, Pace 14 + Run d8 (60 MPH), Swim Pace 6
Notes: Strength d12+5, laser resistant (halve damage and AP from lasers), built-in language translator and depth gauge. Jet Boosters (Jump +6" horizontal, +3" vertical).
Weapons: Boom Gun (Range 250/500/1000, 5d10+5 Mega Damage, AP 25, RoF 1, Shots 100; +1 Shooting, considered a Shotgun for Innocent Bystanders)
Melee (Str+d4 Mega Damage, considered armed)
-8 to Stealth,
Stabliize is one action OR knockback 2d6 and stun. Stabilized GB’s have +2 to enemy attack rolls.
Sonic Boom: Firing the RG-14 causes a sonic boom affecting everyone (except the pilot) within a Large Blast Template, who must check Vigor at −2. On a failure, the victim is Shaken and Hard of Hearing (Major) for 3d6 minutes (this may not cause a Wound). On a Critical Failure the victim is Stunned. Those with Hard of Hearing (Minor) or hearing protection ignore the penalty; Hard of Hearing (Major) are immune.
Stand By to Fire: USA G-10s can’t move and fire the Boom Gun in the same round. Many carry alternative weapons for when they need to move and fight.