Highwind Adventures on the-Cloudsea:Baraq

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Baraq, is a Black Mage recently expelled from a low-tier magical academy. The reason for his expulsion differs every time he tells it. Now that he's left the Argent Sky Empire, he is enjoying his life of freedom and seeking to earn the wealth to help him enjoy it in luxury.

In reality, Baraq is Leucetius Vahagn son of Imperial greats Admiral Bellona Lightning Spear and Chief Engineer Cid Vahagn. Since a young age he was expected to do great things for the empire and devote his life to Imperial Service. The expectation was that he would shine as bright as his parents did. After his completion of his education at the prestigious Imperial University Baraq immediately signed up for military service. While his parents didn't exert any overt influence, given the corruption of the Empire Leucetius was granted favor by those above him in hopes of getting favor from his parents.

That was how he ended up on a mission to deep in the Helheim Wildlands. This mission had two parts, find the previous team and its captain and continue their mission of establishing a foothold for future Imperial attempts to harness the Green Crystal for their increasing energy needs.

It went poorly.

The survivors of the previous team had given up all vestiges of what Leucetius thought as the foundations of Imperial culture: reason, order, honor, duty. They and their captain seemed no different the the Beast Tribes that constantly harassed them (Drawing heavily from Heart of Darkness here). As Leucetius and his team continued their mission, he saw that his team was turning out no better and that for all the talk of Imperial values in the end violence, intimidation and tyranny were all Imperial cared about when push came to shove (Not trying to necessarily make this true, but Baraq certainly thinks so). Eventually, the expedition face a challenge it could not handle. In the cahaos and carnage, Leucetius was lost and presumed dead.

Baraq, however. managed to make his way out of the Wildlands, and to the Free Vermilion Archipelago, where he keeps his mind off of his parents, his siblings and the horrors he saw and realized but engaging in risky piracy.

Hume Black Mage
TN Medium Humanoid (Hume)
Init +2; Perception +2


AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10
HP 6 (1d6);
Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +4


Speed 30 ft.
Melee Dagger +2 (1d4/x2)

Twin Dagger +4 (1d4+0/19-20/x2)

Ranged Lightning Staff +X (1d6 Lightning Damage/x2)

Sling +2 (1d4/x2)
Dagger +2 (1d4/x2)


Str 10, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 18, Wis 14, Cha 10
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 12
Feats Magical Aptitude, Spell Penetration
Traits TBD, TBD
Skills Appraise +10/+8 (-6 jump), Climb +6/+4, Disable Device +10/+8, Knowledge (Local) +7, Knowledge (Technology - Non Class) +5, Navigate +7, Pilot +8, Perception +4, Profession Sailor +4, Repair +7, Stealth +8/+6, Swim +6/+4
Languages Common, Thorian
Other Gear

Special Abilities

Limit Breaks

Mana Wall (Su): This Limit Break shields the black mage from damage by using his MP pool at a rate of 5 damage per magic point. This Limit Break lasts for a duration of 1 round + 1 round per four black mage levels after 1st and the black mage has no control over it. If the black mage is out of MP, the Limit Break ends prematurely and the black mage takes damage as normal. This limit break requires only a swift action.

Ultima Beam (Su): This Limit Break allows the black mage to shoot a blast of energy in a line up to 60 feet which then explodes in a 20-ft.-radius burst. Enemies within the area of effect takes 1d6 points of non-elemental damage per black mage level, a Reflex save (DC 10 + half of the black mage’s level + his Intelligence modifier) for half damage.
