Supernatural Law:Locations

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Various locations in or near Boston

Cumulus Server Farm[edit]

Running on the servers here are various cloud services, websites and online services that do generate a steady income, but in truth The server farm is a front for the Consulate of Heaven. This is the place where official business with Heaven is conducted. Somewhere in its depths is a Gate of Heaven, a mystical portal to the realms of Angels. Within the rooms of the Consulate are known to be meeting rooms and facilities for the operatives of the Archangels, but outsiders do not get to see that area. What the Angels themselves use the processing power of the servers for is a subject of regular rumors and speculation.

Gargoyle Gallery[edit]

An art gallery specializing in the decadent and the gothic sort of art. And a front for the Consulate of Hell, with a Gate of Hell in its basement. Few people get to see the rooms of the Consulate itself, most of the business is handled out front in the gallery. The actual Consulate area is mainly visited by the Hellsworn – Devil-Blooded and humans serving the interests of the Archdevils.

Seventh Heaven and Ninth Hell[edit]

There are dangers in invoking Heaven and Hell, as Isabella Garcia and Malcolm Jackson found out. The roots of the situation were in a simple matter of timing. Both of them had decided to open a similar kind of business. At nearly the same time. Opposite to each other on the same street. The rivalry started instantly. And when Isabella opened up Seventh Heaven Bar & Restaurant, Malcolm abandoned his original idea of Malcolm’s, and instead named his business Ninth Hell Bar & Grill. Obviously, when you had establishments like these opposite to each other, it drew attention. Including that of Angel- and Devil-Blooded. Malcolm and Isabella would have been shocked to know that their choices of names had genuinely drawn Heaven and Hell to visit. And indeed, they were quite shocked when the truth came out. A Devil Hunter and an Angel Slayer had a drunken argument on the street. The argument escalated to blows, blows escalated to magic, the confrontation drew out some just as drunk mages from both bars. Cooler heads called the cops.

“Boston Brawl of Heaven vs. Hell” still gets talked about. But smart people do not talk about it in front of the cops or any of the people involved, because no one had good time. OCD had to be called in to stop the brawl. Arclight had to be called in to suppress the information. Enough people got into trouble that the incident has not repeated. But Isabella, Malcolm, and some of their regular patrons still know now.

Compass Gym[edit]

Situated in Jamaica Plain. The place itself is not terribly peculiar. It is run by the full blood mage family of Lunis, but it is not the only such establishment in Boston. Sure, they teach supernatural martial arts to select clients, but the gym is not the only place that offers that either. And the teacher, Saintalia Lunis, is just a Vodou Mage. She does not know anything particularly exotic.

Things get interesting when the teachings come from Saintalia's Invisible Friend. Baron of Criminals. The first murderer. The master of those who murder or use violence to harm others. Although a powerful, violent and much feared spirit, Baron is actually not an evil one. Families of murder victims and the abused pray to him for swift justice on those who wronged them.

Baron of Criminals would be an awful martial arts instructor by himself, but things are different when his knowledge is directed through a skilled mage. For Baron knows all the tools of violence, including spells.

Devil’s Workshop[edit]

Located in East Boston, close to the city limit, Devil’s Workshop is a business run by the Enchanter Alarico Garcia and his Warlock daughter Sanita. Garcias are half bloods and compete with the established full blood Enchanter businesses downtown by having their own niche as grease monkeys and traditional household enchanters. You visit Devil’s Workshop when you want something practical as opposed to fancy. You may not get an ivory wand here, but you can get a baseball bat that shoots Dragon’s Flame. You also visit the workshop if you want a vacuum cleaner that cleans by itself. Or if you want your motorbike to fly.