The Salvage of the Kaine/ewar

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The Digital World

In the future, everything is connected. Programs are an important part of life, and the following terms can help you interact with the digital world.


One series of connected systems. A spaceship might use a single network to connect all of its programs and systems. It might also have a seperate network for the utility controls (such as doors), and its weapons. Programs are always on a network, even if there isn’t anything else on the network. You can only affect systems and programs on the same Network as you.


Some networks allow wireless access, meaning anyone with a wireless computer can access it. More secure networks require you to plug in your device manually.


Programs are advanced digital code capable of performing actions. A program has skills, and sometimes a built-in Firewall. Utility programs can Assist users in some way, while security programs can attack hackers who attempt to access their network.


A system is the tool you use to interact with a real-world object. An automatic door has a System that controls it. Advanced automatic doors may have a Program that runs all the automatic doors on the ship, controlling the individual systems attached to those doors. Most hacking attempts are performed in an attempt to destroy or take control of systems.

Data Combat

When hacking into a system, you can often find yourself facing off against advanced security programs or even other hackers. Here’s how those encounters are resolved.


As an action, a character can make a Hacking roll to erect a firewall. On a success, the created wall has a Strength of 2, a raise provides a Strength 4 wall. Note: programs often have a built-in Firewall you need to beat.


Make a Hacking roll to attack a target. You suffer a penalty to this roll equal to the target’s Firewall. A success allows you to brick a system, Shake a human hacker, Wound a program, or remove a firewall. Bricked systems stop working until repaired, usually with Electronics.

Backdoor Hack

This functions like a Test. The attacker always rolls Hacking, but they can force the defender to roll Notice, Smarts or Electronics instead of Hacking. Firewall does not protect against this in any way.


Make an opposed hacking roll against a target with no firewall. Success Shakes the target, but a raise allows you to gain control of a program or system. You can control the program’s actions, or use the system freely.

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