Items of Interest from Against The Giants
Items- Unassigned (So go for it)
Weapons & Armor
- Trailmaker +3 Longsword: Wounding (to party)
- The Sword Tang (+1 weapon) (Sheds light, Chaotic Good, Int 15, Wis 10, Cha 15, Ego 8, Speech (Common, Auran, Draconic) and telepathy (wielder only), Darkvision (60 ft.) and hearing, Intimidate 10 ranks, Locate Object 3/day, Major Image 1/day); Added Deadly Precision to sword +16,000
- +1 Brilliant Energy Ghost Touch Scimitar (Sheds light)
- short sword +3 Keen Deadly Precision
- assassin’s dagger
- 20 shuriken +1 flaming
- Large +1 Dagger of Venom
- +3 Large GreatClub x2
- +2 heavy mace of wounding
- +3 Large Great Clubs x4
- Great sword, +2 Flaming Burst, ‘Gwyndor’ CG, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 12, Empathy, Cure moderate wounds (2d8+3) 3/day on wielder
- Great Sword, +1, Flaming Burst Magebane, ‘Nularcos’ NG, Int 13 Wis 13, Cha 10, Empathy, 10 ranks Spellcraft, detect magic at will
- warhammer, Dwarven Thrower
- +3 Battle Axe, Vorpal, Parrying ‘Loper’
- +2 Light Blackwood Shield (+3 AC)
- Dragonhide Breastplate (+5 AC / +3 max dex / -3 acp)
- Shortbow Comp (+2str bonus) +1 2,525
- large mithril chain shirt +3 Twilight
- studded leather armor +5 Greater Slick, Silent Moves, Shadow
- +3 Large Twilight Mithril Chain
- Large Rhinohide x2
- +3 Large Chain Shirts x4
- +7 Mithril Chain Shirt, Twilight
- 12 Alchemical silver, Masterwork.
- 6 Adamantine, Masterwork.
- 12 Cold Iron. Masterwork
- 6 Darkwood Masterwork
- 4 alchemical arrows Masterwork
- 20 normal arrows Masterwork
- 2 acidic fire heads
- 2 Alchemists fire bullet
Wondrous Items
- Belt of Strength, +4 (Albard's old one)
- Chasuble of fell power (+2d6 Eldritch Blast, Greater) 18,000
- Hewards Handy Haversack (holds 120lbs,weighs 5. Free action to use) 2,000
- Possum pouch (12”x 3”wide pouch DC30 on search) 1800
- Quiver of Ehlonna (2lbs Holds 60arr/18jav/6spears,staves.) 1800
- Boots of Striding and springing (+10’ speed/+5 jump) 5,500
- Eversmoking Bottle
- Eyes of Doom
- Pearl of power (2nd)
- Pearl of power (4th)
- Wind Fan
- Bag of Holding Type IV ...... 10,000 gp
- +6 Belt of Giant Strength x2 (I think these have been taken - Matthew)
- +3 Cloak of Resistance x2
- Periapt of Wisdom +4
- +3 Cloak of Protection
- +2 Gloves of Dexterity x4
- +1 Cloak of Resistance x4
- 24 collars of obedience
- 4 amulets of Natural Armor +4
- Amulet of Proof against Detection and Location
- Ollamh Lute +2 Perform (String), +7 competence to bards countersong, fascinate and suggestion. If has user 14 ranks of Perfrom (String) may once a day Control Weather, Waves of Exhaustion and Summon a lillend as per Monster Summoning VIII
- Deck of Illusions
- Necklace of Adaptation
- Belt of Many pockets
- Thought Bottle
- Boots of Striding and Springing
- Cloak of Charisma +6
- Headband of the Open Mind (cursed: no saves vs. telepathic disciplines.)
- 1 Panacea (misc. item, potion type) Removes all negative status effects, cures any diseases, blindness, deafness, etc.
- crystal mask of insightful detection
- a pair of gloves of object reading
- Ring of the Ram (24c)
- Ring of Protection +2
- 2 rings of protection +4 (I think these are claimed - Matthew)
- Ring of freedom of movement
- Ring of Freedom of Movement
- Ring of the Balor
- Ring of Mind Shielding x2
- +5 ring of protection
- Ring of Evasion
- 4 rings +4 protection
- Ring of lore
- +5 ring of Protection
- Ring of Universal Energy Resistance, Minor
Wands, Staffs, and Rods
- Wand of Lightning Bolt (5th) (4c)
- Wand of Magic Missile (7th) (8c)
- Wand of Charm Animal ........ 187.5 gp to recharge
- Wand of Summon Monster III .. 2812.5 gp to recharge
- Wand of Eagle's Splendor .... 1125 gp to recharge
- Wand of Enlarge Person ...... 187.5 gp to recharge
- Wand of Owl's Wisdom ........ 1125 gp to recharge
- Wand of fire trap (25)
- Wand of greater invisibility (20)
- Wand of fireball 10th (15)
- Wand of Dispel Magic 10th (30)
- Rod of the Viper
- Rod of Flame Extinguishing
- Rod of withering
- Rod of Revealing Antimagic Field vs. spells from the School of Illusion only. Usableonce per day for up to 110 minutes. The effect has a 110’ radius that remains centered on the rod
- Staff of the Woodslands (39)
- Scroll: of Death Ward 4th clerical 750
- Scroll: resist Cold, Acid, Sonics 10 450
- Scroll: Detect Poison x 4 50
- Scroll: Prot from evil x 4 100
- Scroll of time stop
- Potions of cure light wounds.x 3 200
- Restorative Ointment (3c)
- 40 potions of assorted types. Feel free to choose them, as long as no one potion has a value of greater than 2,500 gp
Other Items
- Alchemist’s Lab ............. 500 gp
- Scrolls and letters taken from Nosnra.