Brahnamin's Characters - Knightsbane
Fletcher Min :: Boneweaver
Faith is a poisoned teat. Suckle at your peril.
Competent Skills 
| Craft | Fight | Focus | Influence | Know | Labor | Move | Notice |
| Operate | Perform | Shoot | Sneak | Survive | Throw | Trick |
Expert Skills
| Fix |
Master Skills 
| Treat |
Minotaur Medic, Envoy of the Third Legion Patching creatures up is the profession that gives you the cover you need to do your duty.
- A Thousand Points of Pressure: Your knowledge of anatomy makes you a formidable opponent in virtually any situation. Spend 1 PP to roll your Treat die and add it to your total on a non-Treat roll in which you are physically manipulating another's body.
Speaker for the Dead The spirit that lingers in the flesh and bones and blood of those who have passed speak to you and answer you, though their truth is not always what it seems
Compulsive Gambler The notion of random chance fascinates you and you find yourself testing its limits time and time again
- The Traveler
Fletcher Min puts no great stock in the doings of the gods, but one has noticed him with some curiosity and occasional grudging favor
- Soldiers
Those who live by the sword are generally happy to meet the Minotaur who plugs sword holes for a living
- Complication: Indebted to Sora Teraza:
Fletcher Min once lost a rash and reckless bet with the Hag Oracle. She has not yet named or collected her prize.
lan and bussan
It is lan for the Medusa of Cazhaak Draal to petrify. There is little moral distate for the freezing of non-intelligent creatures or non-medusa humanoids, though a medusa who is constantly using their deadly gaze for small slights or trivialities might be seen as lacking in restraint or finesse. Still, almost no medusa would shun another for petrifying a lesser being in a fit of pique or annoyance.
It is seen as akin to assault for a medusa to petrify another, but it is relatively easy to reverse and thus is an annoyance and a reason for a personal grudge rather than a serious crime.
It is bussan for medusae to destroy other medusae, especially those who have been petrified. Destroying a statue created by another medusa or a minion of another medusa is practically theft. Destroying petrified beings - even those petrified by creatures other than medusae and, therefore, much more difficult to reverse - is discouraged by medusa society, feeling wasteful and slightly taboo. Arranging statues of foes, enemies, and even hapless bystanders as tasteful home decorations is, however, not at all frowned upon and, in fact, quite encouraged by medusa society.
is there any lan and bússan for those who Walk the Sorcerous Path, or for the Mountain Vipers?
Descriptive phrase like with Distinctions <----
- Shape the Surrounds: Create a d8 Complication related to Walking the Sorcerous Path of the Mountain Viper to create a d8 Environmental Asset for the scene.
Signature Assets
- Calico
Calico is Fletcher Min's feline familiar."
- Ivory and Iron Dice
Fletcher Min fashioned these dice from the bones of a slain trickster god and his iron dagger. One die is iron with pips of bone, the other is carved bone with pips of iron"